39. Control

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What an exciting day. It was probably the first time since I found out about Spirit Walker and Shadow Walkers that I had the feeling we weren't completely screwed. And that had a lot to do with Jack. Jack of Valhalla. I had watched his spirits grow stronger throughout that day. It was amazing how fast he was regaining his strength now that the shadows were gone. Now that he was not letting the fear control him.

A Son of Fenrir. I'd already seen glimpses of his strength even when he still was the carrier of the infestation, but today we all got a good taste of his true spirit. He was an old world, after all. His spirit was one of the oldest, one of the strongest, and it was already showing. The strength and fearlessness he'd shown as he stood before his father, the man who had caused him all that pain, was beautiful to watch.

I shivered under the warm covers, but not because I was cold. Maybe we had a chance, after all.

Jaden mumbled something in his sleep, and I turned to look at him. His spirits were more confident as well, so were everyone else's in Aurora's house. I was amazed that anyone could sleep after a day like this, but it seemed like I was the only one filled with restless energy.

I could not hold still a second longer.

'Oliver?' Cedric muttered in my head when I got up and went to get dressed, sneaking quietly so I didn't wake up the werewolves.

'I'll just go for a walk,' I replied back, but obviously that concerned the crap out of him.

'You shouldn't go alone,' Cedric said.

'Do not wake up the others. I'll be fine. I'll go into the spirit realm, where we'll be safe,' I told him sternly. 'I really need some time alone.'

Cedric didn't like my plan at all, but since we were staying in the spirit realm where we couldn't be attacked, he calmed down a bit. Once I was fully dressed, I focused on seeing the invisible lines between our world and the world of the dead. I hardly noticed the moment when I got surrounded by the spirit realm and left the real world, the glimmer at the edges of my vision was so subtle.

I made sure no one had woken up before I exited the house, then stopped to stare at the hundreds and hundreds of spirits surrounding us. Not many of them paid attention to us as they watched the sky.

"The enemy is close..." Cedric muttered.

I blinked so I could see the shadows with my own shadow eyes. I'd felt their presence earlier that day, but I had no idea there were so many of them. They had our warding shields completely surrounded.

"Now I see why the air was starting to smell so nasty," I muttered.

"I feel like they're trying to distract us," Cedric muttered. "They've been gathering here for hours now. The gods are aware of them."

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