42. Corrupted

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I had never felt such anger before in my entire life, and I had been angry ever since Starling betrayed me. This... scum. These disgusting pieces of the most vilest scum...! I was going to enjoy ripping them all apart, limb by limb! I would pull their lungs through their mouths while they were still alive! I'd burn them from the inside out!

None of them deserved to live. None of them! They had to die the most painful deaths! Using that fucking box on me, stealing my artifacts, and ripping my soul was one thing, but then these cowards sent Sekhmet to fight their battles! Vile, vile, VILE CREATURES!

"Now... Where were we?" I asked, surprised that the voice I was borrowing stayed calm.

I held the gun, and no matter how filled with rage I was, the hand stayed steady. The man with white hair and ugly scars crossing his face stood in front of me. The bravest of them all.


'Let him go, please!' Ryder begged. 'I'll do whatever you want, but please, spare him!'

'Oh, no. I'm saving him for last,' I told Ryder. 'I'll carve him to death. I'll cut thousands of pieces of him one by one and make sure he stays alive so he can watch you eat them!'

I'd do the same to all of them. All of them!

'You are mad,' Ryder spoke, and even his inner voice was shivering. 'Why are you doing this? Don't you understand you were tricked by your own enemy?'

'SILENCE!' I shouted at him, pulling the safety of the gun back.

The white-haired man shivered, but didn't step back. He, too, kept begging for me to let Ryder go. To stop this madness. I ignored his words and turned my attention to the little Harbinger.

"My master will get what he wants," I told the boy. "I will get what I want, and the only way you can stop us now is by killing us all."

"Stay out of this, Oliver," Ezra spoke, still looking at me and the gun, and took a step closer to me. "Ryder? I know you can hear me. You have to take control over him. I know you can."

I laughed at his face. Ryder tried to push me back, but all he could do was give me a little shove, just big enough to make my hand tremble for a brief second.

'Please, don't hurt him. I'm begging you,' Ryder spoke, his soul crying. 'Let him go. Please. I'll do whatever you want. I'll be your vessel for the rest of my life, but please, spare my mate.'

'You know he will betray you the moment he can, right?' I asked Ryder and fed him images of his sweet little mate banging their beloved Alpha. 'He's been doing that behind your back for years.'

'N-no...' Ryder whimpered. 'You are lying.'

'Am I? You know I can see memories, right? That's your Alpha's memory. He sure loves that ass–"

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