4. Leaving

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I had been relieved when I heard Jack finally agreed to leave that cold little cave of his, but I was even more relieved to see that he was finally healing. The process would be slow and difficult, but he was healing. His spirit was growing. He was becoming stronger. He was still carrying a lot of hate and fear inside him, but it was clear he was willing to let go of those emotions. He wasn't harboring them like his father still did.

"To think he nearly died a week ago," I murmured, and turned to look at my left.

My guardian knew I was talking to him, so his spirit appeared right next to me.

'Honestly? I was sure he wouldn't make it,' Cedric replied.

"He was so weak..." I muttered, thinking about the tiny, purple ball his spirit had become in the hands of Henry. "I wish I'd spent more time tearing Henry apart..."

'...Is that you or the Echo talking?'

I took a deep breath.

"I'm fine," I said, giving him a smile. "But wouldn't you feel the same in my shoes? You were in Jack's body. You know how much he has suffered."

'I do, yes. In fact, I wish it was I who destroyed him,' Cedric spoke. 'But I'm still terrified of that thing you have.'

"Trust me: I want it out, but as long as our enemy is after it, I have to keep it. I need its power in order to protect it."

'It shouldn't be your job...' he muttered.

"This is where my path led me," I said quietly. "I will protect it. Hades believes I can control it."

'Unless it turns you mad.'

"Well, yeah, there's that..." I chuckled awkwardly. "So far, everything is fine. All I can do is to be careful."

'And I'll be keeping a close eye on you,' he said.

"Thanks," I chuckled, but my amusement faded away. "I'm still so sorry I kept you locked for all those years."

'Don't be,' he said sternly. 'I was asleep most of the time anyway. I'm a spirit, I will never run out of time, if that's what you're worried about.'

"I was more horrified of the thought of keeping my own friend a prisoner," I said quietly.

'Don't be. I was there that night. I saw what you saw. I could feel what you felt. People have turned mad from less. You saw them in their true, horrible form. It's almost a miracle that you pulled through.'

"I guess..." I sighed, trying really hard to not look back at that night when I saw shadows for the first time. I shivered when the image of their maggot-filled faces flashed before my eyes. "I believe it was a good thing I wiped it all out of my memory. With Jaden and Natalie and you and everyone else by my side it's been easier to understand it all."

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