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2 years later

Anastasia's POV

I am turning 5 this year but I have already started school last year. I'm doing homeschool with Esme, so she decided that I will be smarter if I start now. She is right, I will be very smart.

Right now I'm reading a book different artists and their specialties. The time is 3:00 so the others should be here soon. Speaking of which, Edward has just stormed into the house and started yelling. I put myself in a vision to see what had happened. A girl name Isabella has come to forks and Edward is having a hard time controlling himself? I know they are vampires, they told me the same time I started school. I wasn't surprised because they always disappear in a split second and then come back shortly after. They also explained to me that I'm jaspers soulmate, which is cool I guess.

I got up and neatly placed the book on the couch and then went into the kitchen where Esme had made me a snack. I quickly ate it, and then went up to my room to pack some clothes in a bag. When I was finished I went downstairs and saw everyone in the living room discussing something.

"I'm ready!" I exclaimed and put my bag on the floor, then started to put my shoes on.

"Woah, where do you think your going, little lady?" Emmet asked.

"Aren't we going away because Edward can't control himself around Isabella?" They looked at me surprised.

"No, only Edward will be leaving." I huffed. I put myself in a vision to see the future. I then looked at everyone.

"It's not going to work. Your only going to make her suspicious. She'll be keeping a close watch to ever-"

"You wouldn't know anything Anastasia. Your a human!" Edward snapped at me. I glared at him.

"I know more than you Edward. Your only thinking on your emotions and it's so selfish of you! Before you know it, you'll be saving her from getting hit by car when you were on the other side of the parking lot!" I stomped away.


I was in my room sitting cross leg on the floor and staring out the window. I had just had a shower and didn't dry my hair, so there was a bit of a puddle behind me but I didn't care. I was searching through the future. Meeting, baseball, james, Victoria, Laurent, ballet studio... blood! Lots of blood! Screaming! Crying-

"Hey, Ana." I looked up to see Jasper looking at me concerned. "Why are you looking through the future?"

I looked away from him and looked outside the ceiling to floor window. I took a deep breath then sighed. I stood up and went to my bed and got under the silky navy blue sheets. My back was facing Jasper. I felt the bed sink down behind me and Jasper started to rub up and down my arm soothingly.

"What did you see?" I slowly laid down on my back and looked at him. My eyes tearing up a bit. His eyes darkened. "Anastasia. What did you see?"

"I-... I saw Isabella with us. I don't know if she's good or not. Something really bad is gonna happen to her, and I don't think that will be all. As long as she's with us, she's in danger. She will bring trouble to us." I whispered. He caressed my cheek, making me smile.

"As long as your with me, nothing will happen to you okay? I won't let anything happen to you. I will take you away from this family if I have to okay? All it will take is for you to tell me if your feeling unsafe." I nodded.

"Won't the family be angry?"

"It's not about them. If this Isabella girl brings danger to us and they won't stop it. You and I are gonna go for a little holiday together. Maybe even Alice and her mate Jason can come."

Anastasia Cullen (Jaspers little mate)Where stories live. Discover now