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It's been a week and a half since the wedding. Jasper has either been avoiding me, or he treats me like a... kid.

Everyone started to notice, but no one really cared. At least that's what it seems like. Ace, however, does seem very worried for me. I've been silent. Not really talking much. And when I do, I'm usually acting a lot older than I am.

Every time Ace wants to do something childish with me, I decline and remind him that it's foolish. Mama and Papa get me in trouble because I keep telling Ace to stop acting like a child. That makes it worse, because Jasper always seems to be in the room at the time, and I always feel like it's proving him right.

I was on the table eating my breakfast with Ace. No one was speaking. Jasper walked in and told mama that papa wanted her in his office. I looked at him, and then looked back down to my food.

He walked out, not even sparing me a glance. My bottom lip trembled slightly, but I covered it up by biting my lip. It's childish to be so emotional.

I lost my appetite, so I grabbed my plate and placed it on the bench. I turned around to walk away but froze.

It's childish to not clean after yourself. I went back to my plate and took it to the sink. I grabbed a chair and dragged it over to the sink. I stood on it and started to wash my dishes with soap and then rinsed it off.

Once done, I dried it up and put them away. I put the chair back to where it belongs and went to the living room to grab a book. Jasper was sitting on couch, reading one of his history books.

I was making my way to walk out of the living room when I saw mama standing there looking at me confused.

"Anastasia, did you wash your dishes? Why?"

"It's irresponsible to make someone else clean after me when I am perfectly capable of doing it myself." I said.

I then walked out of the living room and outside. I kept walking in the forest, until I saw a big rock that I can sit on. I climbed up it and sat down with my legs crossed. I opened the book and began to read.


3rd Persons POV

Anastasia walked into the living room as everyone else was gathered in there. Jasper and Carlisle were playing chess. Alice, Rosalie and Esme were reading magazines about fashion. Emmet and Jason were playing video games and Ace was sitting in Jason's lap watching.

Anastasia was walking towards the couch when she suddenly froze in her place and tensed up. She was pulled into a vision about Bella being pregnant with Edwards baby and Edward cutting their honeymoon short. They came back to forks and isolated themselves from everyone outside of their home.

Then, Bella was getting worse. She looked physically sick and miserable. Her stomach was huge and bruised, and Edward was treating her terribly. Then, it ended with Bella's back breaking and covered in blood.

While she was having a vision, everyone looked at her tense form. Jasper was on the edge of his seat, getting ready to catch her if she passes out or falls.

Everyone else felt worried and hoped that she would come out of the vision soon. She wasn't usually forced into a vision, only if it was necessary or something terrible was about to happen that impacted her.

When she came out of the vision, she let out a shaky breath. Ace got up and went to her, holding her arm. Carlisle stood up.

"What is it, Anastasia?" He asked with a firm but soft tone.

She looked around to everyone. Then, her eyes stopped on Alice. There's no point on telling them, Alice will find out and tell them when it's about to happen anyways.

She shook her head and pushed Ace off her. She looked to the ground without any expression at all. Her deep blue eyes looking empty.

"Nothing." She said blankly.

She turned around and walked out. She went upstairs to her room, while everyone looked at the place she used to stand.

"Jasper, can yo-" Rosalie was cut off.


Everyone looked at Ace surprised. Ace had a dark but expressionless face on.

"Ace. We need to know what she saw. Even if it was nothing like she said." Alice said.

"No you don't. If she didn't tell you, then she doesn't want you to know. Besides, sending Jasper to get answers out of her? Why don't we just make him rip her heart out and make her watch as he crushes it. Have none of you seen how he treats her? Your sick if your gonna make him play her like that." Ace said.

He was so angry with how Jasper has been treating his sister. But what made him even angrier, was how everyone acted like it was ok. It's like they didn't care if she was upset, or felt that she had to change herself for him.

"Ace. There are reasons why Jasper is staying away from her. Something you won't understand until your older." Esme said.

Ace scoffed.

"I won't need to know when my sister and I have left you guys without warning in the future."

"Ace!" Jason said firmly.

"Ace, love. Calm down. You don't know what your talking about." Alice said.

"I will always choose my sister. She's the only family I have left, I'm not going to lose her because of your opinion. What about her opinion! No one takes in consideration what she thinks, and yet she ends up being the reason why your still alive.

With the Volturi, with the Newborns, even with James! Two of them she went to herself, and the other one she let you guys do because she knew you would all live. If she knew you weren't gonna make it, she would've never peacefully let you go."

With that, Ace went upstairs to his and Anastasia's shared room. He saw her on the bed sleeping. She was already in her pyjamas. He got changed and then laid down next to her.

"Thank you." She whispered.

He was surprised that she was still awake.

"Your welcome." He whispered back.

"If you weren't here, I think I would be even more miserable than I already am."

She hugged him tightly.

"I will always be here for you. Wherever you go, I go."  He said.

"I love you, Ace." She said.

"I love you too, sister." Ace said.

They both smiled and snuggled into each other.

Anastasia Cullen (Jaspers little mate)Where stories live. Discover now