Chapter 6

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​Along the lumber walls of Frostmist, Valgards waited for Castor's return.  They traded their traditional swords for long spears but kept their shields close.  Within a poorly constructed longhouse an assembly gathered to discuss plans to protect themselves from the wizard.  Ivy no longer appeared as a housewife, but a warrior of great honor.  She had replaced her usual decor with leather armor and a long fur cloak.  Eyes of the town's noblemen followed her movement, until she planted herself in a comfortable armchair at the edge of a long table.                                                                                                                                       ​"There must be some way to defeat him."  A member noted.                                                                                         ​"Only the laws of nature can combat his magic."  Ivy informed. "The blizzard last night would have been the perfect opportunity to strike.  But you all should be aware that I have sent a messenger to Ice Forge late last night.  Our hope relies on King Dag and the Valgards.  I pray to Oaknar they arrive soon.  Castor will show no mercy with his return."                                                                                                                                             ​"And if they fail to show, then we will fight beside you."                                                                                                       ​The hall's door unbolted and an elderly priest of Oaknar entered. His white robe was stitched with black runic symbols which matched well with a long silver beard fashioned with beads.  He removed a fur cap and revealed a shaved scalp decorated with runic tattoos.  The breeze that followed him forced all his features to flutter.  "Excuse me milady, but the arrangements for Lir's passing are ready."  His palms connected at his chest and he bowed to the nobles of Frostmist.                                                                                                                                ​Ivy excused herself from the assembly.  "Thank you, Yule."  Her blue eyes then struck the noblemen.  "You are all honored to join me."                                                                                                                                                    ​In the courtyard the community fell into silence, a sign of respect for the dead.  Ivy and her noblemen joined in their ritual.  Under a looming totem with the carved face of Oaknar, Lir laid over a whittled log with arms crossed at his chest.  Glued tightly in his hands was a long-staffed battle axe.  Dry branches and tinder piled beneath him.  Yule bowed in place as Ivy approached.  She climbed the timber to kneel beside her husband.  Fingertips combed Lir's hair and lips planted on his forehead.  "Goodbye, my love.  Please watch over us until we know peace again."                                                                                                                                          ​A torch passed through the spectators until reaching Ivy's palm.  Yule overlaid his hands and gave Ivy a nod of approval.  Tears escaped her eyes as memories of love flashed in her mind.  With a deep breath she stepped down and the dancing flame fell from her grasp.  The fire quickly enclosed on Lir and Yule began to speak.  "Oaknar, may you open the sky and receive this soul to fight beside you in the halls of Aragoth."  With his arms veering through the air his eyes struck the villagers.  "And shall you bestow courage in us all so we may avenge him. Oaknar let our battle be won!"                                                                                                 ​Without warning a powerful burst of unearthly magic reduced Frostmist's gate to splinters.  Through a mist of snow Castor and his corrupted soldiers invaded.  With a clinched fist he lifted the severed head of the messenger.  The Valan became disgusted by his display.  Castor hurled the Valgard's head at the disturbed settlers.  They parted as it tumbled between their feet.  "Where is this courage you speak of!"  Castor barked.                                                                                                                      ​The citizens became engulfed in anger witnessing the fate of their fellow tribesman.  Ivy stalked between the villagers, desperately wanting to attack.  She controlled her primal urge to kill in order to protect Valder.  Castor attempted to provoke the community into attacking so he could smite them with a justified cause.                                                                                                                  ​"I can lead you to the sword!"  A villager surrendered.                                                                ​"Gundar, stand down!"  Ivy ordered.                                                                          ​Gundar was a common farmer with plenty of cattle he tended to.  He refused to lose his belongings to a war that could easily be avoided.  "I submit to your demands."  Gundar bowed at Castor's feet in a cowardly manner.  The residents of Frostmist shamed the traitor with scowls of rage.                                                                                                                                                   ​Castor grinned, amused by his surrendering.  "And here I thought there wasn't a smart one amongst you.  Lead the way Gundar and I shall see you are rewarded."                                                                                                    ​The middle-aged farmer ignored the glares of his peers.  Long ago, he enlisted to fight the frost giants of the Rift, only to flee like a mouse at the sight of them.  The Valan knew him as a man who only cared for himself and with his action, he had proven just that.  Castor kept his silence about Valder's disappearance and commanded a portion of his legion to stay in Frostmist and smite any who dared to leave.  The peering eyes of Airusian soldiers locked onto the residents of Frostmist while Castor freely retreated.                                                                        ​The soldiers remained frozen like pawns on a chessboard in the hours after Castor's departure. The crimson sun began to rise on the horizon and the snowy plains captured its glare.  Ivy escaped the possessed watchmen and entered the stables on the edge of town.  A white horse greeted her, and she calmly groomed its thick coat.  After losing her husband and not knowing what fate has met her son, thoughts about her safety had dwindled.  Finally, her mind was set and she would deliver the message to Ice Forge herself.  Ivy gripped the harness on the white steed and climbed upon its saddle.  Yule entered the barn to escape the cold and became surprised to see Ivy.  "Milady, where are going?"                                                                                                                           ​"Do not try to stop me Yule.  I am going to Ice Forge!"                                                                                     ​Yule paced along the stables, brushing the horses as he passed.  "I cannot stop you; nor will I attempt too.  But it would be foolish of me to allow you to go alone."                                                                                                                                     ​"You have always been on my side, Yule, so please join me."  Ivy insisted.                                                                                                                                   ​Yule bowed.  "It would be my pleasure."                                                                               ​Ivy waited for her elder to claim a steed for himself and once he met the saddle Ivy gave him only one instruction.  "Try to keep up."  Her heels drove deep into the mare's ribs and with great speed the mass of muscles bolted from the stables.  Yule smiled and commanded the horse to follow.  The sound of galloping hooves echoed across Frostmist.  The corrupted knights freed their weaponry as the mad steeds approached.  Ivy let loose a threatening battle cry and barreled towards the mob.  A straight blade was unleashed from its sheath, capturing the glare of the crimson sun.  The horse trampled through Frostmist's invaders, crushing bones and denting armor with every stomp.  Ivy's outreached sword beheaded a soldier while other bodies were smashed or thrown aside.  The head of the knight landed amongst bloody hoof prints that lead away from Frostmist.  The remaining foes returned to their feet only to be met by swords and spears of the Valgards.  The points of their steel found every weak spot in Airusian armor.  Black tinted blood absorbed with the thick snow and the corrupted eyes of the knights reverted to their original color.  The freed villagers and warriors cheered in encouragement, watching Ivy and Yule disappear over the snowy fields.

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