Chapter 7

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​Valder and the young spirit stalked within the shadows to avoid the observing eyes of the crow.  It seemed to be determined in its efforts to locate Valder as wings still fluttered over the skylight of the Rift.  Man and ghost had remained silent for most of the journey, ignoring the screeching from above.  When eyes captured the edge of the Rift Axton finally spoke.  "I must ask you for a favor Valder."                                                                                                             ​"And what would that be?"  Valder asked.                                                                                            ​Axton bowed his head.  "Inform my family that I am at peace."                                                                                         ​"If that is your wish, then I cannot refuse."                                                                                     ​"Thanks, Valder."                                                                                                                      ​Valder suddenly thought of his father.  "There is something you can do for me as well."  The eyes of the spirit locked onto him.  "If you reach the halls of Aragoth, tell my father Lir that I will avenge him."                                                                                                                                               ​"It would be my honor."  Axton agreed.                                                                                    ​The calls of the crow finally subsided, and its shadow no longer lingered on the crystal floor.  Valder assumed it returned to its master but in reality, it pursued Ivy fleeing from Frostmist.  At the end of Glacier's Rift, a steep hillside awaited Valder and it seemed to be the last obstacle to overcome.  Valder pushed ahead towing the sacred sword over his back.  His head reeled beyond his shoulder to notice Axton standing still.                                                                           ​"What is it?"  Valder asked.                                                                                                          ​Axton remained motionless.  "My work is done."  He said faintly and his head tilted towards the sky.                                                                                                                                  ​A single ray of sunlight breached the gray clouds above.  It acted like a beacon of sorts and shined brightly between the two beings.  This light reflected off the smooth walls of the Rift.  Through Valder's shielded face Axton's silhouette was still in the line of sight.  "Be careful on your travels Valder.  It is time for me to go."                                                                                   ​Axton entered the center of the beacon and faded through his misty form.  Valder became bewildered as an orb of ghostly energy replaced the presence of Axton and ascended to the divided clouds. The sunbeam followed the spirit and the gray clouds quickly enclosed.                                                                                                 ​"Oaknar let my friend know peace."  With a sigh, Valder continued scaling the hillside.  With tiring strides, he reached the peak and detected signs of civilization on the horizon.                                                                                                                                    ​When the young warrior withdrew from the Rift, Castor and his company discovered an entrance.  Before entering, a crow's cry of distress chanted over a mellow breeze, Castor halted as his feathered companion rested on his shoulder.  It began to chirp in his ear with news that Ivy bested his soldiers and escaped to the mountains of Valahelm.  "You must follow her."  Castor nodded.  "But first."  A small flame was conjured in Castor's palm and the bird hopped to his wrist, snatching the fire in its beak.  Gundar witnessed the wizard's actions, knowing surely, he planned to cause more destruction.  Castor glared underneath his hood and Gundar quickly lowered his head.  The crow squawked after consuming the flame.  He brought his wrist to his mouth and whispered to the bird.  "Reduce her to ashes."  The crow stretched its wings, flying from the wizard's sleeve and disappeared into the misty sky.  Castor marched forward into the mouth of the Rift.  Hours were spent navigating through the icy halls until they discovered Isor's frozen keep.  "The sword you seek is held in the ruins beyond this crossing."  Gundar declared.                                                                                                                    ​The memories of towering frost giants and Valgards being slaughtered captured his mind and with it came a crippling fear.  Castor had no trust for mankind, not even for his own soldiers.  Like countless times before, he thought only of himself and expected a trap to be waiting for him on the other side.  A spark of flames ignited in his palm and coiled around his fingers.  "Go forth."  He ordered.                                                                                                                                            ​"I cannot."  Gundar replied, dwelling in his own fear.                                                                                        ​"Do as I say, or I shall strike you down where you stand!"                                                                                          ​At that moment Gundar realized he had sided with true evil; his only choice now was to do as requested.  Gundar gathered his guts and slowly paced along the icy bridge.  In the middle of his voyage, fear had paralyzed him once again.  Castor began to feel annoyed and turned to his followers.  "Our new friend needs a hand."                                                                                                              ​Two soldiers captured Gundar by the arms and forced him into the dark ruins.  The crossing seemed to be secure, the wizard thought.  He followed the prints that laid before him.  Welcoming him to the temple was the fallen troop of Valgards.  One seemed to be stripped of his helmet and weapons. Castor quickly put the pieces together. Lir's son has been through here, he suspected.   Investigating further, he stumbled across the bodies of the frost giants.  "Fascinating."  He muttered to himself.  Castor had never seen such bizarre creatures and spent a moment to study them.  The Airusian soldiers flooded into Isor's chamber, but their movements would soon stall, beholding Isor on his throne.  They became frozen at the sight, not knowing if the frost giant was deceased or sleeping.                                                                                               ​"Is it dead?"  Gundar asked with a slight stutter.                                                                                                ​Castor crashed against the doorway feeling a discomfort on his chest.  Beneath his robe the golden talisman had latched to his flesh.  Castor combated the pain, which felt like two snakes biting at once.  Zoth was growing impatient, thought the wizard.  Castor pushed through the mob.  The fire conjured in his hand turned to smoke and dissipated.  "Search every inch!  We're not leaving until we find it!"  Castor barked.                                                                                         ​The knights scattered amongst the chamber by Castor's command.  Gundar held his position near the entrance.  With every crevice cleared nervousness grew inside him.  Castor discovered shards of ice on the mirrored floor and examined the broken section of wall.  A single shard began to rattle.  Suddenly, it had taken flight and speared Gundar in the thigh.  The farmer hugged his leg and screeched a painful cry.  With blood gushing from the wound he limped towards the exit.  Castor lifted an open hand and by creating a fist, he forced the stone slabs to enclose.  His anger had finally reached a boiling point and the shaking hand fell steady.  Castor's tensed body became limber and the talisman acted strangely again casting a dark mist over the wizard's form.  Under the shade of Castor's hood, a discolored reflection eclipsed his eyes.                                                                                                                                                    ​"Kill him!"  A distorted voice escaped his lips.                                                                                                                        ​The mindless soldiers faced Gundar with weapons drawn.  He had cornered himself like a trapped animal.  Shining steel became coated with his blood and the lifeless body of Gundar collapsed at their feet.                                                                                                                       ​"This is not your body to command!"  Castor's voice returned.                                                                                            ​"The sword has been taken by your prisoner!"  Zoth's voice ruptured from Castor's mouth again.                                                                                                                                          ​With a shift of his body, Castor yelled.  "I should have killed him I know!  I will make this right, there's still time!"  The wizard's hand began to rise on its own and the shadow coating him coiled around his arm like a snake.  With a burst of energy, the dark mass covered the corrupted knights.  Their armored knees struck the ice as the spell took effect.  Hardened spikes discharged from their limbs and smooth skin transformed into scales.  Their human faces deformed into something demonic, teeth edged to points, and bat-like wings tore through steel plates.  "Go forth my children and return the sword to Airus!"                                                                                ​Castor observed his followers; any part of humanity they had left was stripped from them.  "You will join them Castor, if you fail me!"   He dropped to his knees drained of all energy.  With deep breaths he ripped through his robe to expose his chest.  The talisman had fused to his flesh.  The gargoyle like beings were no longer influenced by Castor, they followed only Zoth.  Their wings extended and one by one they took flight, escaping through a slit in the ceiling of the chamber.  Castor, now isolated, feared for his life.  The gift bestowed to him was only mischief.  It allowed Zoth to host his body at any moment.  Pain expanded through his chest again and the once jeweled eye was now real! It peered around the room with its own awareness.  He quickly concealed it, horrified by such a mutation.

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