Chapter 10

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A slender stranger stood watchful at the edge of candlelight while the other two claimed a stool on each side of Valder.  "There is only one way to Ice Forge."  One declared.                                                                                             ​Valder turned his head to the speaker as the other began to add to the conversation. "Oh yes!"  Valder veered his head once more.  "Through the Mystic Mountains where monstrous beasts call home.  If you are daring to go that way, we can offer you protection.  I am Randar, too your left is Nolan, and the quiet one behind you is Norrum."                                                                                                                                   ​"I'm sorry, but I seek no help, nor do I have any payment for you."  Valder declined.                                                                                                                          ​"We need no payment, just a reason to venture!  We are new to Valahelm and wish to see more of it."  Randar stated.                                                                                                                       ​Valder had little trust in the outlanders but with a great sense of reading others, he detected no trickery.  Valder than questioned himself, having doubtful thoughts that he alone could clash with the powerful Castor.  The outlanders seemed well-equipped and could easily be identified as warriors from their cultures.  Randar and Nolan shared the same pale skin and light-colored hair.  Rune-like tattoos appeared over their flesh.  They seemed to be from the same background.  The only difference between them was Randar's size and untreated hair.  On a burly jaw he sported a long red knotted beard and braided hair laid over his shoulders.  Under Randar's red hair was a bear hide cloak which concealed a short sword.  A leather band hugged his chest and held a crossbow steady over his shoulder.  Nolan however, kept a clean face with thin brown hair covering his dome.  He appeared to be a hunter of sorts, from his tattered clothing hung the tails of foxes and clinging to his belt was a short iron javelin.  Valder veered beyond his shoulder at the one called Norrum.  He was from a race of men Valder had never encountered.  Tribal markings covered his mocha skin tone; his black matted hair was tied at the rear of his head.  Hanging from his neck and strapped to his wrists was jewelry made of bone, teeth, and twine.  His scarlet robes implied that he was a monk or priest from his lands.                                                                                                                ​Valder returned his head to the front.  "If you wish to join my cause, know that there is a man searching for me."                                                                                                                                    ​"A man like us?"  Nolan asked.                                                                                              ​"In appearance yes, but he fights with magic not weaponry."                                                                                     ​This news didn't steer them away, these outlanders had encountered magic before.                                                                                                                                ​"We have no fear of magic, let this man come and feel the bite of my steel."  Randar huffed.                                                                                                                                                ​Bayla emerged from the room with hair brushed and warm clothing.  The eyes of the men fell upon her beauty, but her sight remained focused on Valder.   "Shall we be off?"  She bowed.                                                                                                                                                ​"Do you have the supplies?"  Valder replied.                                                                      ​Bayla lifted her arms and in each hand, she gripped a leather bag.  "We're covered."                                                                                                                                              ​"Then let's waste no time."  Valder nodded.                                                                                 ​Outside the tavern, steeds were latched to a strong rail.  "Looks like we're a horse short, I guess you're walking Valder."  Nolan laughed, mounting his horse.                                                                            ​Bayla restrained the supplies in the loops of her saddle. "Have you ever ridden before, Valder?"  She asked, tightening the straps.                                                                                                                 ​"It's been ages."  Valder answered.                                                                                        ​"We won't get anywhere with you on your feet, I'll share my horse with you. But be careful, he's a little shy about new riders."  Valder climbed the steed and Bayla balanced herself behind him.  
​Valder kept a close eye on his guests once they broke the city limits.  He was still uncertain about them.  Their loyalty would have to be tested before the warrior could let his guard down.  The moonlight guided the adventurers while lantern light from Raven's Rock dimmed.  The chilling wind sent ice pellets to batter their skin.  When they reached the mountains, the coverage from them began to work in their favor.   Weakened clouds of mist accumulated overhead slightly blocking the two moons.  Bayla huddled against Valder during this trip.  After miles of wandering the path appeared more daring and the mist in the sky greatly thickened.                                                                                                                     ​"Valder, we must stop for the night."  Randar declared.                                                                                           ​Valder desperately wanted to continue, the people of Frostmist were depending on him and he had already lost so much time.  They stalked some distance further before discovering a clearing and a large dent in mountain offered shelter.  Settling around the mouth of this gorge was a detailed statue.  Valder and his company entered shaking off the cold.  The sculpture stood at least twelve feet high and loomed at the party investigating it.  The statue had been crafted from the very mountain this cavern rested in.  It was an idol of Oaknar.  His long-straightened hair rested on his shoulders and at his waist a wolf held close.  One arm reached over his head gripping an axe, his other arm hung low with a spiked chain.  Valder and Bayla bowed at the presents of their god where sacrificial items were scattered.                                                                        ​Valder returned to his feet.  "We'll camp here for the night; it seems safe enough."                                                                               ​The company dismounted their steeds and stumbled through the natural ruins.  Tender littered the floor and a fire was crafted at the mouth of the cave.   This left much of the cavern unexplored.  With the blaze burning brightly, the adventurers gathered around its warmth.  Valder and Bayla escaped deeper into the cleft.  Now split from the group by the shadows, Valder unfolded his bedroll.  His eyes remained on the entrance of the cave.  Bayla unfastened her blouse and approached the worried warrior with lustful intentions.  She sprawled over the cave's wall exposing herself.  Valder's eyes locked onto her and he remained speechless observing her figure.  She closed the void between them and led Valder's hands to her smooth skin.  Valder stalled knowing this wasn't the best time for relations.  His mind also couldn't forget the fact that this was Axton's mother and worries about the party of strangers outside was another factor.  "Wait..."  Valder uttered.                                                                                                                          ​"Shh..."  Bayla replied, sealing his lips with a finger.                                                                                   ​Valder wanted to say something but Bayla wanted to hear no words.  Her lips touched his and all worries seemed to reside.  Bayla reeled back, giving the young warrior only a taste.  Valder could not restrain his desires and refused to be teased and pinned her against the rocky wall.  Bayla did not struggle with his actions.  In this moment they pleased each other.                                                                                              ​Norrum untied a bag from his belt and filled his palm with a strange black dust.  He tossed it into the dancing flames, and it expanded with a reddish glow.  Nolan and Randar were impressed by his presentation.  "Careful Norrum!  Be sure not to use all of that.  It may come in handy later."  Nolan suggested.                                                                                                                                           ​The silent tribesmen bowed and crossed his feet while he sat.  Bayla had quickly fallen asleep feeling satisfied but Valder was filled with energy.  He escaped the darkness and at Oaknar's idol he stood still.  He observed the craftsmanship in silence, before bowing in front of it.  His hand navigated to a pocket under his fur cloak.  He presented the piece of Elk antler to the godly statue.  He lightly placed it in the cluster of other offerings that littered the rocky floor.                                                                                                                                          ​"Oaknar, accept this gift.  It is not much but it's all I can offer."  Valder pondered for a moment before continuing.  "I ask of you to protect us on this journey and for strength to overcome the power of my enemies.  May the warriors of Aragoth share in my victory."  Valder's mind relived the dream from hours earlier. "The dream, I had almost forgotten.  Oaknar may that vision never take place, I'd give my life to make it so."   The warrior rose certain that Oaknar had heard his message.  He followed the glow of light that settled at the mouth of the cave.                                                                                                                            ​"He returns."  Randar greeted.                                                                                             ​Valder joined their circle putting his open palms to the glow.  He rubbed his hands to collect more warmth while his eyes scanned the mist.  It slowly lowered from the sky and surrounded them.  The monk observed Valder's wrists seeing the shackles and broken chains.  Norrum pointed to them and Valder eyed the silent man.                                                                                                               ​Nolan bent into the blaze.  "Our comrade would like to free you from those bindings."                                                                                                             ​Valder turned his wrists up right and kept them flat.  With a single needle Norrum picked the lock in seconds.  The shackles unhinged and fell to Valder's feet.  "Thank you."  Valder said.  Norrum nodded at his appreciation.  "What brought you to Valahelm?"  Valder questioned, rubbing the freed skin.                                                                                                                                            ​Randar lit a pipe with a scorching twig. "We needed time to stretch our feet, the sea is cruel."  He answered, with a cloud of smoke.  "We had traveled some distance before reaching this place."  Randar filled his lungs with another puff from his pipe.                                                                                                                                  ​"We like to be where we are needed; it's a hard time for men."  Nolan declared.                                                                                                                            ​"That is how we met our friend here."  Randar added between puffs on his pipe.  "He guided us through a cursed jungle in lands far from here and together we hunted the beast preying on his tribe."                                                                                                                          ​Nolan parted his tunic revealing three deep scars across his chest.  "It was not an easy task however, the beast managed to leave me with this.  Without Norrum, Randar and I may not have left that creature's den in one piece."  He concealed his battle scars and returned his eyes to the fire.                                                                                                           ​Randar took notice of the statue. "This is your god?"  He asked.                                                                                               ​"That is Oaknar, who do you worship outlanders?"                                                                             ​"We serve Fuldarr, the ruler of the Other-Realm.  It was him who planted the first seeds on the world."  Randar answered.                                                                                                                  ​"The Other-Realm?"  Valder showed interest.                                                                ​"It is where life first sprouted, from the seeds of the great tree, Hurstlean."  Nolan added.                                                                                                                 ​"Have you ever seen this Other-Realm?"  Valder asked.                                                                                             ​"In tales told, there is a passage in the woodlands of Colvest.  People have gone mad, trying to unravel its location.  I have also heard that it is guarded by elves."  Randar added.                                                                                                                      ​"Evles?  I thought they were only myth."                                                                                  ​"They are real, but they love to hide.  I don't believe they have ever been this far north.  They were the ones who introduced us to Fuldurr, ages ago before Colvest was even considered a settlement."  Nolan informed.                                                                                                           ​"What of Norrum?  Who are his gods and why is he so silent?"  Valder asked.        ​                                                                                                                        ​"He hails from the far-east; his land Songa, is between the mountains of Grim and the Dovakon jungle.  He is one of their high priests and took a vow of silence to please the moon goddesses Mova and Tera."  Randar stated.                                                                                             ​"Tell us more of Oaknar."  Nolan insisted.                                                                     ​"Oaknar controls the mountain winds and fierce blizzards.  He watches the world from the frozen temples of Aragoth.  Only true warriors will witness it, even those who have never praised him are allowed.  His greatest enemy is worshiped in lands somewhere beyond Valahelm, a being of fire, a destroyer of life."                                                                                                                ​"You refer to Surt.  He is also the enemy of our god as well.  The ancients say he is locked within a mountain and so shall he remain."   Nolan said.                                                                                                          ​The adventurers bonded over tales of their gods and Valder felt comfortable to trust them.  "Were there more in your group?"  He asked.                                                                                     ​"Yes, quite a few in fact, some were lost in battle and others just decided to settle. But we are honored to be in your company now Valder."  Randar noted.                                                                        ​The silent tribesman suddenly stood, making no sound as he perched onto his toes.  The steeds darted passed the mouth of the cave and disappeared within the fog.  The company freed their weapons.

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