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Next Morning:

"Oh my god, Tae! Calm your fucking nerves, man. This is the day you've been waiting for since like forever. Don't panic. Breathe and just breathe..." Taehyung rambled as he tried to tie his necktie.

Today, he was going to officially join Kim. Enterprises. He had been working really hard for this day. It was like 8 in the morning and he was getting ready to leave for office.

"Argh!! Why are my hands shaking so much?! I can't even tie this thing!!" He yelled in frustration as he took the tie off and threw it on the floor.

He pulled on his hair and sat down on the bed. A few moments later, a heavy sigh escaped from his lips.

"Okay. Okay. Take a deep breath, Tae. A deep breath." He spoke as he inhaled sharply and exhaled. "Good~ A deep breath again. Repeat after me." He panted. He continued to repeat until his nerves finally relaxed.

"Okay. Now, listen. It's not like you've never been to that building before. You are familiar with the building. You are familiar with the staff. Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung are gonna be there. And, you are gonna go there as a boss. So, all is well. Now, get your ass up and get ready. No need to be stressing over every little stupid thing. You can do this. Get up." He told himself.

Slapping his cheeks, he stood up and picked the tie up. This time he succeed in tying it perfectly. He styled his hair and took a last glance at his reflection. Sighing heavily, he raised his brow and grinned.

"Yeah! That's my man. Now, come on! Let's go!" He shoved his phone and wallet in his pocket. Picking up his coat and car keys, he took a last glance at himself in mirror before leaving the room. He hurried downstairs and rushed into the kitchen.

"Good morning Mrs. Lee!" He greeted and took a seat at dining table.

"Good morning Tae." She greeted back as she was placing the breakfast on the table. "How are you feeling?"

"Me? I'm fine...I-I'm totally great! And pretty much hungry." He chuckled awkwardly as he shoved a bite of pancakes in his mouth.

"Are you nervous?" She asked.

"No?" His answer came out like a question. He stopped eating and cleared his throat. "No! Why would I be nervous? I'm not nervous. Not at all." He shook his head dramatically and continued eating.

"Sure." She suppressed a smiled. "I was just gonna say that. Don't be stressed, okay? You are brilliant person, Tae. You are going to be such a great leader for your company. My best wishes are with you." She gently patted his shoulder.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lee." He smiled widely.

"You're welcome." She smiled back.

He turned his attention back to his breakfast. Once he was finished, he wiped his mouth and stood up.

"Okay, Mr. Lee. I'll be heading out now. Take care of Yoongi." He spoke putting on his coat. "I haven't told him about me joining the office. I guess you can do that for me." He said heading out of kitchen.

"Gotcha." Mrs. Lee followed him out.

He abruptly stopped and turned around. "And, yeah, his vitamins? His vitamins are on his nightstand. Make sure that he takes them after every meal." He turned to put on his shoes.

"Okay. Anything else?"

"No." He straightened up and glanced at himself in hall's mirror. "Just call me if anything happens." He flashed his adorable boxy smile.

She nodded. He turned around and took a deep breath. Twisting the door knob, he opened the door and headed outside.

Lucas was waiting while he was leaning against the car. When he saw the taller walking out, he straightened up and bowed.

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