atharah. alvida

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Thanks to KiaraWrites910 for being a sweetheart. Check out her stories.

atharah. alvida

Fame once lost can be earned back, but trust lost is lost forever

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Fame once lost can be earned back, but trust lost is lost forever.


"You left me, Ishaan. You just left me."

"Would you believe me if I say that I never wanted to."

"But you still did.'

I wish I did not. I wish I had done more than what I did when my mother told me about the blank cheque which she did offer Diya but the latter had not accepted it. I wish I had barged into her house in the same way I did today, not listening to anyone. I wish I had not gone to London in a fit of anger, instead I should have demanded answers.

But I gave up.

That was a fact, I did give up and while I still loved her, the fact was that I was so blinded by my rage, I could not see past it.

"I am sorry, Diya." I said, sighing as she looked at me, and then at our entwined hands. She had come to see me after I had been put behind bars. And although the police would not hear me without my lawyer, they allowed Diya ten minutes to talk to me. She had assured me that she had informed my family and that they would be here any time now, to free me, but I was still caged in the guilt of being away from her for three years. "You know I am sorry right?"

She chuckled, shaking her head, "I would never in this lifetime consider my family involved in this mess." I held her hand from behind the rusted bars, "what is so wrong in what we did that two families had to get their hands messy in this?" She asked, softly, more to herself than to me.

While she sighed softly, I took my time to look at her hair falling over her face and her dupatta, the shade of lavender. She could still manage to look pretty in the most unnoticeable way. "You really thought I'd take money over you, Ishaan?" She asked, meeting my eyes.

To that I had no answer, and no strength to face her eyes but I did keep holding her hand. It had been over an hour since I was here, and honestly, now that I was with Diya, this station did not seem that bad. I never really cared about power and fame until I thought Diya left me for money and maybe, a part of me had all that insecurity instilled in me that maybe Diya befriended me only because she wanted a part of my rich lifestyle. When those words started taking shelter into my mind, I did not know.

"Why did you not tell me about the blank cheque?" I asked her, averting her question. "If you would have told me that she offered you this, I would have..."

"Would have what?" She confronted me, her eyes held so many emotions, "left your family for me and have me be called a home breaker. I have enough tags already." She gulped, shaking her head, "I did not want you to turn away from your parents'. And I know how it feels when people you love leave you, and if not your mom, I know that you loved your sister and your dad."

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