Chapter 29 - Prorities

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Chapter 29 - Priorities


The meeting with Vean was everything I had imagined, except I didn't actually faint. But I came close to it, but Ace was there to hold me.

Vean was a really fun person, and it was really nice to see Ace interacting with his friend. I rarely got to see him with his other friends, and friends like Lora obviously didn't count. We had had people from his high school or university come to talk with Ace when Ace didn't even know they had exited. But seeing him with Vean was different. They seemed close.

However, Ace was right—the day passed within a blink of an eye, starting from lunch.

As much as fun it had been to meet Vean, I was still excited to see the Eiffel Tower. We were on our way there right now. Finally!

"Get ready to take tons of pictures," I warned Ace, who was sitting next to me in the car.

"Whatever you say, Ma'am."

"Tomorrow, we can visit more places, and the day after tomorrow, we can visit more more places, and then—"

"About that..." Ace spoke up, making me go silent. I patiently waited for him to speak because I didn't like the tone he was using—the tone sounded like he was guilty. "We are going back home tomorrow at eleven in the morning."

My face fell in sadness. "What do you mean? Why do we have to go back tomorrow? I thought this vacation was supposed to last for a week?"

"I know it was supposed to last for a week, but I have some emergency work." He gave a kiss on my cheek and mumbled, caressing my cheek, "It was a last-minute call, I am really sorry."

I wanted to stay here and enjoy every bit of it. I had even planned what we would do, but Ace had some urgent work. I knew if it wasn't that much of an emergency, he would've never canceled the rest of the vacation.

"It's okay, Ace." I turned to face him, forcing a smile to be on my lips. "At least, this time the tour didn't get canceled before I could come here. We are going to the Eiffel Tower now, and we bought everything we needed and clicked a lot of pictures already which would be enough to keep as memories since who knows when I can come back here as destiny doesn't want me to be in Paris," I said with a disappointed sigh. "But don't worry. Maybe you are the lucky charm I needed to be able to come here. In fact, thank you for squeezing in some time for me in your busy schedule."

He scanned my face as if trying to read what was going on in my mind. Then, he said, "We are here. Let's go to the Summit." He opened the car door and got out, waiting for me.

I got out as well. He took my hand in his as we walked inside.

Once we reached the Summit of the Eiffel Tower, I gasped at the beauty of the city, all of my previous sad washing away. The view was magnificent from the top as if it stretched on and on. Everything looked so small, and the lights from there looked like orange fireflies. I felt so much peace watching the scenery.

The sky seemed like it was so much closer to me, and if I reached out, I could even touch some of the small clouds hovering around the night sky.

Finally, my dream came true. When I had lost all hope, Ace hadn't; he fulfilled my wish.

I could feel my eyes getting watery.

Despite being a workaholic, he sacrificed his work for two days. I should be supporting him now as he has work to do and has to go home as soon as possible. I shouldn't be selfish.

"I didn't bring you here so that I could see these tears," Ace said, wiping a tear that slid through my eye and pulled me towards his chest.

I kept my head leaning against his chest as he caressed my hair. A peaceful silence surrounded us.

"Thank you for being the best husband in the world," I mumbled.

"No," he whispered into my ear. "Thank you for being the best wife ever."

We stayed there in that position, in peace. I wanted this moment to pause here at this instant. Just the two of us in my favorite place in the world. If only it was possible.


Tomorrow was my birthday, and today, we were returning home. We were already on the jet.

I stole a glance at Ace, who was engrossed in work. Probably, he was too busy to even remember my birthday this year.

Last year, he wished me at the last moment, and this year, he had already forgotten my birthday. I know he said he was never too busy for me, but work was work. I should be okay with this.

"Do you want to say something?" Ace asked all of a sudden. When I shook my head in denial, he said with a sigh, "Look, Ava, we can come here anytime you want. Don't worry."

"It's okay, I know. Besides, you don't have to come along with me every time. I can just come alone," I uttered.

This time, he arched an eyebrow. "It hasn't been a year since we got married, and you are already planning to go on vacation without me? Plus, didn't you say I was your lucky charm to come here?"

"Seriously, Ace?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "You are the one who has to work all the time. You know, I love to travel around. I can't make you take time off that often. What can I do? What's my fault here?"

"Let me guess." He twitched his lips, pretending he was thinking. "Your one and only fault is, you are my wife, and I vowed to never leave you alone."

"What will you do if I tell you to leave me alone?" I asked curiously.

"That will depend on the kind of situation you tell me to. If you are angry, I will give you some alone time before trying to pacify you. If you are sad, I will give you a comforting hug, and if you are joking, I'll flirt."

"What if I am hurt?"

He seemed to be taken aback at that question.

"What if I am hurt, Ace?" I repeated my question. "What will you do then?"

He cupped my cheeks, making me look directly into his eyes. "If you are hurt, I will do whatever it takes to heal you."

I smiled and pecked his lips. "You are so adorable, Ace."

He rolled his eyes. "You sure do know how to ruin the mood."

"Aww..." I was about to pull his cheek, but the glare he sent made me back off. I shouldn't push his buttons more. I cleared my throat and said, "We still have six hours more till we land, so I am just gonna go and sleep."


It was almost midnight—near to my birthday.

Ace entwined our hands as we stepped into the Valentino mansion. The house seemed awfully quiet and everything was dark. Well, it was normal for everyone to be asleep at this time, but what was with the darkness?

"Is there an issue with the electricity?" I asked Ace.

"Let me check." Ace was about to leave my hand, but I held it tighter.

"No, don't leave me, please." I was scared of darkness, and if Ace left me alone, I wouldn't have this remaining confidence in me.

"Ava, trust me. I'm here. Count till ten, and I will be back, holding your hand."

I hummed in response and freed his hand.

"Ten..." I started counting backward, closing my eyes. As soon as I said one, I felt Ace's hand on mine.

He leaned in and whispered, "Open your eyes, baby."

I listened to him and opened my eyes.

All the family members were standing in front of me with big grins on their faces as they hollered, "Happy birthday, Ava!"

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