Bonus Chapter 1 - How We Met

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Bonus Chapter 1 - How We Met


Summer Hills camp was the fanciest camp in California, and my dad decided to send me here while he was on his way to a business trip for a few weeks.

Therefore, I was now standing at the entrance of the camp, filled with spoiled teens who were sent here by busy parents like mine. I fixed my hat, my Ray-ban shades still on, and hiked my Gucci backpack higher over my shoulder before stepping inside.

The announcers started giving us instructions as we stood in the open area inside. I looked at the people surrounding me. Literally, none of us knew each other. Hopefully, some of us could get along and we all could have a somewhat good time here.

While my eyes were scanning the crowd, they fell on one particular tall guy. He seemed to be a couple of years older than me. He was wearing blue jeans with a simple dark green shirt, but still managed to stand out. His brown hair was neatly done, and he was intently listening to the instructions, as if the camp was a competition he had to win.

I took off my sunglass and kept looking at his handsome face. Even though he wasn't smiling, I could tell he had a slight dimple on his face. He had dimples like me!

When he turned to look at me once the instructor finished with his lecture, it was the moment I knew I had developed a huge crush on him.

He kept looking at me—probably wondering why I was gazing at him like a creep.

Without wasting a single moment, I winked at him.

He was shocked at my sudden move. Immediately, he averted his gaze and walked away in the opposite direction.

I grinned.


With every passing day, I started to annoy him. I learned his name was Ace Valentino.

No, he didn't tell me his name himself, despite me bugging him to spill it. I found out when he introduced himself to everyone in the camp.

I made sure to always seat next to him in every task, make him my partner, and eat beside him. I could tell he was getting irritated, but he never stopped me from doing anything he didn't like, and that was when my crush grew bigger on him.

I was walking with some of the girls in the garden. They were gossiping when I heard that Ace was there with some of his male friends.

When I saw him leaning against a tree, his one leg rested on the root of the big tree slightly, while his arms were crossed against his chest, and when his eyes met mine—my breath hitched.

Damn sexy.

I found Ace glancing at me in between his talk with the boys. As soon as our eyes locked again, I blew him a flying kiss. His eyes grew as wide as saucers. I suppressed my smile and gave the most innocent look ever.

He rolled his eyes and continued talking.

Soon enough, one week passed with me chasing Ace.

It was all going well until one day; it was raining heavily despite it being only daytime. I had gotten up late due to going to bed late last night.

I was looking outside the window as we couldn't do any outdoor camp activities today.

"Hey, did you hear that?" one of my roommates, Molly, asked me.

I arched an eyebrow in confusion. "Hear what?"

"Ace Valentino is leaving the camp today." As soon as she said that, I got up from my bean bag.

"Why? The camp's supposed to last this entire summer vacation," I let out.

Molly shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I heard someone say that he was packing his bags this morning. Apparently, some home emergency came up."

I looked out from another window in the room. There was a car—it probably came to pick up Ace.

Without waiting a minute, I took a paper, wrote a small message in it, and rushed out to hand it over to Ace before I missed the chance.



This summer camp was the craziest one I had so far.

I met this girl named Ava Kace. She was really cute-looking, but her innocent face shouldn't be believed. That girl was a menace; the clingiest person I had met in my life. The way she flirted with me every single day was insane.

When I told my dad about it, he laughed at it and said, "You should give her a chance."

"I would never need a person like her in my life, Dad. Why should I bother?" I replied in annoyance and fixed my hair in the mirror.

"Never say never, son."

I scoffed. "Sure, Dad. Whatever you say. But I don't really care about her. I can't wait for this stupid summer camp to be over. God knows why you sent me here. I could be at home, doing actual fun stuff with you guys."

"Just one week and you want to come back home? Since when are you a quitter?"

"It's not about quitting, Dad. I just..." I didn't know why I had a bad feeling this morning. "I miss being home."

"You are an adorable child, Ace."

"I'm not adorable, Dad!" I whined.

"You are, and I'm incredibly proud of you. I love you, son," he said, and I felt his tone was off.

"What's with you? Why are you being so sappy so early in the morning?" I asked.

"Nothing. Maybe it's just the weather."

I looked out the window and noticed the cloudy skies. "Is it about to rain there as well?"

"Oh, yeah. It's raining cats and dogs here," he replied with a chuckle. "Anyway, buddy, I gotta leave for office now."

"Okay, goodbye, Dad. And... I love you too," I mumbled and hung up the call, feeling shy.

After that, I got ready into a white shirt and khaki pants before going downstairs for breakfast. I looked around the hall and thought about sitting in a corner seat where there was no place for anyone else to sit, but in the end, I sat at an empty table.

But today, Ava didn't come down for breakfast. Maybe she overslept. Everyone went to bed late last night due to a 'courage test' among the participants. I had heard her whining about having eight-hour beauty sleep or something like that.

I didn't give it much thought. I was done with my breakfast when my phone rang up. It was from my mom.

"Hey, Mom, what's up?" I asked as I was going up to my room.

But she didn't reply, and soon, I heard her crying.

"Mom? What's wrong?" I asked, panic rising in my chest.

"Your dad... he had an accident, and he's... no more."

A/N: Please follow me, trimagical_ , if you love my novels! Have a great day!

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