Part 3 | Press Conference

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"Y/n, please try to be nice to the people."


Steve sighed. "Y/n."

"Alright alright" you grumbled, rolling your eyes. "I will try not to offend the mortals."

"Thank you."

"Can I stab them if they annoy me?"


You and Loki snickered, walking beside each other into the building.

Tony had accepted a request for a press conference, so here you were. You thought it was all a bit ridiculous, but you had to be there.

"Please welcome... The Avengers!"

You all walked out onto the stage, cheers and camera flashed going off all around you.

The others began smiling and waving at some of the enthusiastic supporters. You and Loki on the other hand were standing at the back, shooting each other annoyed glances.

The interviewer introduced you one by one, moving around the team.

"And lastly, we have Y/n L/n!" He called, gesturing to you.

The crowd cheered louder than you had thought they would. You have a small wave before sitting down beside the God of Mischief, folding your arms.

"So Y/n, do you enjoy being on the team?" The interviewer asked, all cameras trained on you.


The crowd looked stunned. "Why not?"

"You try living with these idiots. The only mortal I can tolerate is Nat."

The team pouted as the crowd laughed. "I'm sure it must be fun living with them all" the interviewer tried.

"It really isn't" you deadpanned. "However it's only slightly preferable to hell."


"Hi, we have a question for Miss Y/n" a man said into the microphone he was given. It was audience question time.

"Go ahead."

"What's your opinion on men?"

You rolled your eyes. "They're okay I suppose."



"That's rude" someone called out.

"Okay" you answered with a shrug. Loki leant forward on his forearms, subtly placing a hand over his mouth to cover his laughter.

"Behind every man stands a powerful woman" the interviewer said. "Do you think that quote is true?"

"I wouldn't know, I've never stood behind a man."

There was an uproar of applause and cheering, some of the sad little men in the room yelling at you. You waved and passed the mic to Tony before leaving.

"I like her" Loki declared, after the conference had wrapped up. The rest of the team followed the grinning God out to you.

"Really Y/n?" Steve sighed.

"Only speaking the truth" you replied, twirling your dagger between your fingers. "Now, I say we get shawarma."

"Agreed" Tony said happily. And with that, you all wandered down the street towards the shawarma shop.



The team looked up questioningly as Tony stormed downstairs, holding up a half eaten shoe. "Y/n!"

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