Part 6 | I'm Always Here

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"Welcome to Avengers Tower!"

Your head darts up to see a group of around fifteen kids being led by Tony. They were all looking around in awe, smiles lighting up their little faces.

"Tony, wha-"

"Wish foundation" he murmured, cutting Steve off.

Your heart sank.

These kids were terminally ill. (If you don't know, the Wish Foundation is a group that gives terminally ill kids a wish that they can make come true i.e going to movie world)

"Listen up team! The kids have all come to meet you!" Tony announced, putting on a smile to cover up the sadness he felt.

The kids all waved excitedly, and, following Tony's encouragement, moved around the room to talk to the team members.

You had met most of the group when you saw a little girl standing by herself in the corner. She looked to be around six or seven with chocolate brown eyes and long brown hair tumbling down her back in curls.

"Hello sweetheart" you greeted her, couching down to her level. "Are you okay?"

She didn't turn to face you, didn't acknowledge you at all. Frowning, you gently tapped her shoulder.

The little girl started, spinning around to face you, her eyes wide.

"Are you okay sweetie?" You asked worriedly.

Still nothing. Then you realised.

"Oh" you murmured softly, looking at her.

She was deaf.

"Hello sweetheart, my name is Y/n" you said to her sign language.

She gasped quietly, her eyes lighting up. "My name is Chloe."

"It's lovely to meet you Chloe."

You and her talked for a while, before you asked her if she wanted to meet any of the tr members.

"I want to talk to Wanda, but I can't hear her" she signed sadly.

"How about you sign it to me and I'll translate?"

She smiled widely and nodded. Taking her little hand, you stood back up and led her over to the witch.

"Hey Wan, this is Chloe" you introduced, indicating to the girl.

"Hello darling" she cooed, crouching down to her height. She looked confused when Chloe didn't answer, just smiled at her happily.

"Deaf" you murmured, subtly tapping your ear. Her mouth formed an o as she realised.

Chloe tugged on your sleeve and signed up to you.

"Can I give her a hug?" She questioned.

"Wan, can she give you a hug?" You asked the witch.

"Of course she can."

You nodded to Chloe who beamed, wrapping her arms around the witch. Wanda chuckled and pulled her into her lap, making little animals with her magic.

You translated until it was time for them to go home.

"Bye Chlo" you signed, smiling at her. "I'm honoured to have met you."

"Bye N/n, thank you for today" she replied, hugging you tightly.

The group walked out the door, little girl turning to wave to you one last time before the elevator doors closed.

"You know, for a scary ass demon you're really good with kids" Bucky mused as you sat down on the couch.

"Glad you think I'm scary" you muttered, hiding behind a book.

"What wrong with you?" Tony questioned, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"Oh I don't know Stark, take a wild guess."

Loki gently took the novel from your hands, placing it down on the table.

"Come on darling" he murmured, taking your hand and leading you out of the room.

"Where are they going?" Pietro wondered as the door shut behind the two of you.

Thor sighed. "She's clearly very upset about the small humans, I assume my brother is attempting to cheer her up."

"That's sweet of him" Sam said.

"He may have done some bad things in the past, but he has a heart and he is still my brother."

Loki's POV:

"I'm fine Loki, it doesn't matter" she muttered, trying to pull her hand out of mine.

Like that was going to happen. I wasn't going t let her push all of her emotions away, not like I did. It never leads anywhere good.

"No you're not darling, your feelings matter and I'm here to listen" I replied, gently sitting her down on her bed.

"There's no feelings to listen to."

"Yes, there are. I know how it feels to try to push everything away, to endure everything on your own. Don't do it, not when there's people who care, who are here for you" I urged, taking both her hands in mine.

I'm not going to let her go down the same path I did.

She looked at me sceptically for a moment before a single tear slipped down her cheek.

"They're going to die" she whispered, her voice breaking. "They're only kids and they're going to die."

"Oh darling" I sighed, wrapping my arms around her.

She laid her head on my shoulder, shaking with silent sobs.

"Did you see how happy you made Chloe?" I whispered, trying to get her to see the impact she had on the little mortal. "You made her so, so happy."

"I wish there was something I could do" she sobbed. "If was still an angel I could heal them, I could heal them all and they would get to live the rest of their lives happily."

She rambled on for a bit, more tears flowing down her cheeks. I simply listened, adding words of comfort when needed.

"I'm sorry" she whispered finally. "You didn't have to listen to my shit."

"Don't do that. I'm always here, ready to listen or to talk, okay?" I said firmly, looking down at her.

She nodded, sniffling. "Do I have to go back to the others?"

"Of course not. We can stay right here" I answered, tucking her head under my chin.

Demons | Loki x Fem!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora