Part 4 | Demon Child

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Sighing, you made your way downstairs as screams echoed around the tower. Grabbing a large a sword, you went down to the lobby.

"Fuck off Kaz, I've already told you I'm not coming back" you grumbled, appearing in front of the terrified group. "Humans, move back."

Everyone expect Loki and Thor moved away, Thor looking excited and Loki skeptical.

The God of Mischief moved to stand beside you, watching the small, child sized demon standing in front of you.

"Hades told me to bring you back" Kaz said in enochian (Demon language.)

"No. It's... okay here."


"She hates everything" Loki commented.

You looked over at him in surprise. "You speak enochian?"

"Thor and I have all speak" he replied.

"Shut up tall man. Y/n, I'm taking you back whether you like it or not."

"Not happening" you and Loki chorused.

"What are they saying?" Pietro whisper shouted. Thor quickly translated as the witch and the robot walked in.

"Aw look! It's so sweet" Wanda cooed, moving towards it.

"Wanda no!" You shrieked, leaping towards and swinging the blade. You chopped its head off with a sickening thud as the witch stopped dead.

"Wanda, you have to learn that demon children are not cute. They're monsters from hell and are around 500 years old" you eplained, turning to her.

"But you're not a monster" she whispered, her eyes wide.

"Yes, I am. I'm a demon, and so was that one. You can't touch them."

She nodded slowly. "Sorry. And you're not a monster."

You rolled your eyes, wiping the blood of the blade with a small cloth Loki passed you. "Thanks Loki. And it's a nice thought Wanda, but I am."

You slid the sword into a holster on your belt and nudged the headless body with the toe of your boot.

"I have to take this back to hell now" you grumbled, pulling out a body bag. "Hades is going to be pissed."

"Why do you have a body bag?" Clint asked warily.

"To put a body in" you dead panned, looking at him as if he was stupid.

You wrapped up the body and went to pick it up, only to be stopped by Thor. "I can carry it Lady Y/n" he announced. "It must be heavy."

You raised a brow at him before slinging it over your shoulder. "Thanks thunder man, but I'm stronger than I look" you replied, patting him on the shoulder.

"Now, would you like to meet Hades?" You asked, turning to Loki. He nodded. "Right. By losers, we'll be back... later."

"When's later?" Steve questioned.

You shrugged. "An hour, a week? I don't know, when I feel like it. Bye."

And with that, you grabbed Loki's arm and teleported the two of you to the gates of hell.

"Hi Hades!" You called out, waving to him. He was standing at the entrance, looking over at the two of you.

"Hello Y/n, nice to see you're back, if only briefly" he began, then he sighed. "Did you really have to kill Kaz?"

"Well stop sending demons to get me, I'm staying on Midgard" you huffed, walking towards him with Loki following behind. "Plus, they nearly killed one of my friends."

"I thought you said they were only tolerable?" Loki teased.

"Shut up Loki."


"Sooooooo, how's it going with your boyfriend?" Wanda asked as the whole team all played Monopoly.

Rephrase that. The who team except you played Monopoly. You weren't allowed to anymore because you stole everyone's money and/or burned it.

"I beg your pardon?" You asked, looking at her quizzically over the rim of your book.

"Your boyfriend" she mock whispered, pointing at Loki. He was reading over in the corner, his legs propped up on an ottoman.

"That idiot? Never" you scoffed.

"Plus, love isn't real" Loki commented, turning the page.

"Yes it is" Vision said. "It binds us, connects us to another in ways we cannot begin to fathom."

He kissed Wanda on the cheek, causing her to blush slightly.

"PDA ALERT! EVACUATE!" You shrieked, jumping up and grabbing Bucky's hair spray.

"NO COUPLE SHIT ALLOWED AROUND ME! GET A ROOM!" You shouted, spraying it over the two.

Wanda vanished the bottle, causing Bucky to grumble about how he was supposed to style his hair.

"Y/n, maybe one day you'll see for yourself what I mean" Vision suggested.

"Wanda, the oven's talking again."

She rolled her eyes as Vision sighed. "It's alright Vis, she actually loves all of us" she said, patting him of the cheek.

"You lot?" You questioned, looking around at them. "I'm only here because I get free food, accomodation, money and I get to kill people."

"You'd kill people anyway" Pietro said, stealing Steve's money.

"Fair point."


*Loki voice* Ta daaaaaaaaaaa


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