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"My servant will show you to the guest chambers, Prince Noah. I hope your stay here will be up to your standards," Arthur said, gesturing for Merlin to step forward, a subtle hint for him to reveal himself.

As Merlin stepped out from the shadows, Sir William noticed him and asked, "Sire?"

Merlin remained silent, not wanting to blow his cover just yet. Arthur, however, responded, "Yes, Sir William?"

"Nothing, sire. I just wanted to thank you for the hospitality you have shown us and inquire if we are allowed to train," the young knight lied smoothly.

"Of course. Merlin, can you please show the prince and his knights to their chambers for the next few nights?" Arthur requested.

Merlin replied with a nod and a small, "Yes, sire."

With a gracious smile that only the people of Deria were familiar with, Merlin led the knights and the prince to their chambers, which surprised everyone. They were used to his mysterious, reserved demeanor, but now he seemed warm and accommodating.

Inside the guest chambers, Merlin finally turned around, his princely voice seeping through just slightly, "This will be your chamber for the next few nights, sire. If you need anything, I will be just a call away. Please don't hesitate to summon me."

Noah, the younger prince, couldn't contain his surprise and vulnerability. "Lin, is that really you?"

"It is I, brother. It is I," Merlin confirmed, his grin widening.

The younger prince and the knights couldn't contain their excitement and immediately tackled Merlin to the floor, embracing him with questions.

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you working as a servant?"

"Why here, out of all places?"

"Calm down, guys," Merlin chuckled. "One question at a time. After Mother and I left for Ealdor with Percy, we stayed there for a few years. My magic started to become uncontrollable, yearning for its kingdom to be used, but I couldn't risk the villagers finding out. Mother thought it would be best if I came here to Camelot and stayed with Gaius to get my magic under control. Now, it's stronger and more controlled. As for being a servant to the king, during my first few days here, I happened to save Arty's life, and I was given this role as a reward."

"Arty?" Will asked, perplexed.

"King Arthur. The original Knights of the Round Table all have nicknames given by me, and they all stuck, except for Arthur's. I'm the only one who calls him Arty, and Gwaine calls him Princess," Merlin explained, a fond smile playing on his lips as he reminisced about his second family.

"What are their nicknames, then?" Noah inquired.

"Lancelot is Lance, Leon is Lee or Lie, Percival is obviously Percy, Gwaine is Wayne, Elyan is El, and Mordred is Red," Merlin shared.

"And we thought your life would be boring here, especially as you're the servant of the king. Your life is more interesting than all of ours combined, especially with us planning to fight back," Elijah commented.

"That's not even the full story, Eli," a voice from the doorway chimed in. "His life is much more interesting than he gives himself credit for, with all the times he nearly got killed."

"You nearly got killed!?" Noah exclaimed, his voice filled with concern.

"Yes, but I'm still alive. Can we now rewind to the fact that Percy is at the door?" Merlin casually shrugged his shoulders, diverting the attention.

The knights and James acknowledged Percival, giving him friendly pats on the back, some saying, "Percy, brother, it's good to have you back, old friend."

"Merls?" another voice called from the doorway.

"Wayne, I swear to God if you tell anyone about what you've heard here, including our identities, I won't hesitate to harm you, unless it's after we both decide to reveal ourselves," Merlin's voice dropped dangerously low, momentarily sounding like Arthur, sending shivers through the room.

"Yes, sire. Princess told me to fetch Percival and then inform the Knights of Deria that they can come train with us if they wish," Gwaine stated before adding, "You and I are having a talk about this later."

"I figured as much," Merlin mumbled before following his knights and Arthur's to the training fields.

Merlin: the secret princeWhere stories live. Discover now