Welcome to Deria and welcome Home

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"At the rate, we're travelling at if we don't encounter any bandits 2 more days tops. If I'm not wrong," Merlin says and looks to his brother and knights for confirmation

"great," Arthur grumbled under his breath

For the rest of the trip till the border, everyone was quiet and only joked around not whining about the long journey and afraid of what their dear friend would do.


2 days later the group reach the border and Merlin holds up his hand to signal everyone else to stop.

Worried Arthur asks "Merlin is everything okay? Why did we stop?"

Smiling Merlin replies "We've arrived at the border. We're finally home."

"Border?" Leon asks

"Yes, we have a magical gem that guards that border. This is the mountain entrance, only people authorised by the original family. In this case, me, Noah, Lilliana, Amelia and my mother. It looks at the intention of the person before letting them through. this will take a while but Leon can you please send the troops first we can go in after them," Merlin says his face beaming with happiness that was unparalleled by the others 

Very slowly but effectively all 40,000 of Arthur's men trickled through the border. 

"How come they were let through very easily?" Arthur asks curiously expecting them to take a lot longer 

"Every person that passes through this border will be read. When the eldest of the ambrousis line is standing by the intention of the person is shown to them. Each of your knights has had only the purest of intentions, following their king's and first knight's orders. I have seen all their intentions none of them were evil so the gem let them through without hesitation with my approval," Merlin replies 

"You are telling me you saw the intentions of 40,000 men and you don't look exhausted! How are you not dead? Are you a god?" Elyan asks quite amazed by his friend 

"It's actually quite entertaining. Noah can tell you," Merlin says 

"It really is," Noah confirms 

"I'll go in last one by one can all of you go in. My knights and Noah are up first!" Merlin says with finality in his voice that no one argues and follows true to the order given 

"I will never get used to you giving orders Merlin it is bizarre," Leon states 

"Well, you will with due time. Percy?" Merlin says 

"Yes, sire?" The knight asks 

"Go in. As much as you are a knight of Camelot you are a knight of Deria first and foremost go!" Merlin says slightly irritated 

"So who's next?" Leon asks 

after thinking for a while Merlin replies "everyone but Mordred, Morgana, Gwen and Arthur,"

the knights follow through leaving the five behind.

"I have kept you guys behind for a reason. Everyone here knows of Morgana's magic. Mordred is a druid and my knights must have sensed it already. Arthur, you are the only one that's a problem," Merlin states 

"Why is that?" Gwen questions 

"No one here other than my brother, me, Morgana and Mordred are strong enough to tell that Arty here has Magic so I need you guys to do as I say alright?" Merlin questions

"what do you need us to do?" everyone questions 

"I need either Gwen or Mordred to go send off the troops with my knights let Noah and Percy stay. When someone with Magic walks through the border the colour is different, it generally is the colour of their magic. since Arthur's magic is still very dormant and he has never used it before the colour won't be too visible. If you want we can send off the Knights of the round table with my knights as well if you don't want them to find out," Merlin says "But I would send Gwen to send off the troops rather than Mordred as they are more likely to listen to their queen,"

 "How come Percival gets to stay if you are going to send off my knights?" Arthur questions 

"I'm not going to send them off unless you want me to send them off. And Percival is staying because it is his duty to protect the crown prince of his Kingdom," Merlin replies 

"What about Mordred?" Arthur asks 

"he already knows that you have magic you clot pole," Merlin says 

shaking her head Gwen says "Arthur, just decided do you want the knights to find out that you have magic or not? if you have decided please tell me that I can go tell them what you have said so that they can leave."

"They can stay. They are bound to find out sooner or later and I don't need to break the trust of my closest and most trusted knights," Arthur says finally  

nodding Gwen walks through the border and the trio waits for the news that the troops left.

"Merlin?" Morgana asks 

"Yes?" the secret prince replied,

"Why didn't you reveal to me that you were Emrys?" 

"That's a story from another time," Merlin replies with a small smile 

Merlin, you can bring the others through Noah's voice rings out in Merlin's head

Have the knights been told what the flash means?  the older of the hatchlings questions

yes. they've been warned what's to come as well the younger prince replies

okay that's great but still, make sure that they're prepared please I don't want any chopped up people before the actual war Merlin jokes

got it. see you in a minute  the reply came (Marvel fans will get this if there are any here)

"they're ready for us," Merlin informs 

The four, walk through the barrier to see the shocked faces of the knights of the round table 

"Sire?" Leon questions hurt and betrayal crossing his features 

"I only found out a couple of days prior Leon. I didn't tell you, men, because I still needed to fathom the fact that I had Magic," Arthur says in shame 

"Guys. I know that you all are upset that Arthur didn't tell you off his magic but there is good reason for him not saying anything. I could've told him the minute I sensed it but from the moment that he finds out his magic will start to grow, leading him to be in danger so please I did this for his and your safety all these years," Merlin pleads 

reluctantly the knights of the round table have the heart to forgive their king. 

"Sire, I'm sorry for questioning you it is just that after Merlin you are one of the last people that I expect to have Magic. But after all that has happened within these couple of weeks before we started our journey here and finding out about Merlin's true heritage is all a bit too much," Leon says 

"I understand Leon. It's perfectly alright. We all have secrets some bigger than others. I was never offended. you had the right to question me after all if you don't do it as the first knight of Camelot I won't be able to correct my ways when others tell me," Arthur says in understatement 

"Okay, guys let's ride out to the mountains they are close by," Merlin says leading the group of nobles on their way. 

As they ride head the knights and Noah make small talk until they hear a small gasp from the mouth of Morgana 

"What happened Morgana?" Arthur asks immediately rushing over to his sister's side 

"Nothing brother. It's just beautiful," Morgana says 

"What is?" the confused Knights of Camelot ask

"The Dragon Mountains," Morgana replies with Awe 

"Welcome to Deria. Welcome home Merlin and Percival," Noah says smiling fondly 

Merlin: the secret princeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz