One prison with an alien

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Iqaluit, Canadian Federation National Military Research Center, in prison cell

Rose was brought by Commander Kane to the prison cell that would be occupied by Rose

Kane: Okay we here. Do me a favor, don't make some suspicious things off. Or we electrocuted you, understand?

Rose: I'm understand

Kane: now get in

Rose finally entered her cell, and the prison door closed and Kane left

Inside the prison

???: Hey, you capture too?

Rose: who are you?

Akai: You can call me Akai, why you get caught?

Rose: because I'm a witch, I have a power, but this necklace is not allowed me to use my magic

Akai: you a witch? Cool, I don't know there's was a witches, I thought it was a myth

Rose: yeah, it was a myth, but is a truth

Akai: How many more of you are there?

Rose: I don't know, maybe it's just me. What are you being arrested for?

Akai: Look... I'm not from Earth, I'm from another planet

Rose: You mean... Are you an alien?

Akai: Yes, but my race is different. If I'm not mistaken, we are like humans and half birds

Rose: Wow, that's so cool

Akai: And another thing... I am immortal

Rose: I'm immortal too

Akai: you're immortal too?

Rose: It's because of my magic that made me immortal

Akai: so... Are you have another siblings?

Rose: I have a brother, but he is my twin brother

Akai: so you two a twin, brother and sister. I never seen that

In Control and Security Room

Kane is in the control and security room, he is with the warden in charge there

Kane: They seem closer

Warden: So you want them to stay like this?

Kane: It's okay, I want our subjects to interact with each other, then contact the Russian Military Research Institute, we will send them to Russia

Warden: So, why do you want to take them all the way to Russia, when we can get here?

Kane: I don't want our hands to get dirty in the international world, after all one of the HNP members was found dead by suicide

Warden: If so, well, when do you want to take them to Russia?

Kane: Tomorrow we'll take them, we'll let the Russian scientist and our scientist Daniel Clarke examine our subject. And if anything goes wrong, then we throw away all the evidence, including getting rid of Daniel Clarke

Warden: Why are you rushing to kill the witnesses?

Kane: Simple, we don't want them to talk about this experiment. So the reason why we brought them to Russia, is because Russia is a safe place to conduct experiments. After all, US military aircraft will not dare to enter Russian territory

Warden: indeed

Kane: And one more thing, they are your prisoners.

Warden: yes

Kane If they run away, they are not my responsibility, it's your responsibility

Warden: yes, I'm understand Commander Kane

Kane: contact General Hemlock in Toronto, we ready to extract them in next 24 hours

Warden: yes sir

And Kane was left from there, leaving that warden

To Be Continued.

Kaitou Joker: Kaitou VS Canadian FederationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon