Escape from institute

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Russian Military Research Institute, Kamchatka Peninsula

The plane from the Federation had arrived in Russia and then Rose and Akai were brought in by several Federation soldiers led by General Hemlock

General Hemlock: well we're here my friend

Russian Colonel: Well, that I see... Two subject, I've been read it... A alien and a witch. I will like this gonna be going

General Hemlock: indeed. Now, I take the rest to you

Russian Colonel: Da my friend

In General room

Russian Colonel: Comrade General Ourumov, they've has been arrived

Russian Colonel: Comrade General Ourumov, they've has been arrived

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General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov: So where are they?

Russian Colonel: they've been in the experiment room

General Ourumov: Alright, I shall be there in 5 minutes, I will get in there soon

In Experiment Room

Rose and Akai are in the same room but bonded, the Russian scientists will be ready to carry out experiments, but they need permission first before the experiment begins.

Since Ourumov's office is far from the Experiment Room, this gives Rose some time to break free to get out from here

Rose: (mind) I need get out from here. But how?

Rose needs to take off her nearly suffocating necklace that has a special crystal to block magic, she already knows that crystal

Rose: hey, uhh, you in there

Russian Scientist 2#: You? You ask me?

Rose: Yes, can you take off the necklace that is around my neck? This almost makes me not free to shake my head

Russian Scientist 2#: Sure... Why not

It turned out that the scientist had not been given the file about Akai and Rose, until they innocently removed the necklace that was around Rose's neck

Russian Scientist 2#: here we go

Rose: Thank you

With Ourumov

General Ourumov: So the power of this mage is that it can stop time and levitate some objects. Interesting, I like the power

Russian Colonel: Is this still related to Operation Clocktower?

General Ourumov: Perhaps still, Professor Clover continued the operation and he succeeded, but in the end his plans were thwarted. But after Professor Clover's death, this operation is still continuing

Russian Colonel: Indeed--

They saw the two Russian soldiers being flown into the wall and passed out. That's when Rose and Akai left the room

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