Escape through the Labrador Sea

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Meanwhile on Sky Joker

Shadow: What? did they escape?

Spade: Yes, I got the news

Shadow: Thankfully they were able to escape, but where did they go?

Joker: We don't know, we don't know where they are, but the important thing is that they are safe. Oh yeah, I haven't seen Roko from the start, where is he?

Queen: He's with Grandpa, I told you this mission is dangerous and involves the state government, so I told him to stay with Grandpa

Spade: But if they managed to escape, where would he go?

Dark Eye: Maybe they went to Anchorage or somewhere in British Columbia, considering that the closest area is Alaska so it's impossible to fly to British Columbia.

Spade: Actually you can. Phoenix has the ability to keep flying far away and it doesn't waste much stamina--

Hachi: Joker-san! We know where Akai-san and Rose-san are!

Shadow: where?!

Hachi: I don't know, the guy said he took him to Newfoundland and Labrador

Shadow: What else did he say?

Hachi: We have to meet someone to help us

Shadow: We need to go. Now!

In the sky of Newfoundland and Labrador

Akai saw a small airport nearby there was one, and then the plane landed at the airport and then Smith, Rose and Akai got off the plane and met someone

Akai: who are you?

Vincent: My name is Vincent Erbsünde, I'm the part of C.I.A SOG or Central Intelligence Agency Special Operations Group

Rose: so you from government. Are you someone who will help us?

Vincent: Yup. I will take you to the US by sea

Akai: Why not cross the border on land? Or fly over the border, how hard is it?

Vincent: You guys are the most wanted fugitives, and air and land routes are extremely dangerous, so waterways are considered safe

Akai: All right, what ship are we going on?

Vincent: The tanker with the name "Wunder"

Rose: Why use tankers?

Vincent: This ship is good as a disguise, after all if something goes wrong, we can use the submarine inside

Akai: Is there a submarine in the tanker? Wow, cool

Vincent: let's go now

In the end Wunder departed from the harbor in Newfoundland and Labrador

In the Labrador Sea

The Sky Joker which has been refurbished with a jet engine has arrived in the Labrador Sea

Inside the Sky Joker

Spade: Said we have to find a tanker called Wunder, and they've already left the port

Shadow: A tanker huh? So we have to look for it?

Queen: If indeed they are on the tanker that means we have to find them before the Federation

Dark Eye: I heard that a Federation Navy fleet is conducting routine patrol activities

Shadow: a fleet. Well we will get another problems

Kaitou Joker: Kaitou VS Canadian FederationWhere stories live. Discover now