Chapter 7

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Sia's POV :

"Justin likes his eggs scrambled "

"Okay "

Today is my first day working and I don't know any thing about this family's preferences that's why I've agreed with Aaron helping me.

But only for today, I will try my best to manage everything on my own from tomorrow

It's barely 7 in the morning but Aaron told me yesterday that Justin leaves for his office at 7:45am sharp and that's why needs his breakfast by 7:10am , so that he could properly eat without any  rush and have a nice talk with Aaron who prefers a cup of coffee at the same time.

Fay on the other hand has her college starting at 10am so needs her breakfast at 9:30ish .

There are other servants as well. But none of them stays here.

The house help and cook arrives at 11am and leaves at around 4 in the evening

Aaron herself used to cook the breakfast for the family.

There was a stay in servant back when Fay and Justin were kids and Aaron was working thus, explains my room

But Aaron told me ever since Justin started his law firm he took every responsibility on his shoulders.

He manages everything from paying Fay's tuition to paying the servants .

She did tell me other stuff but my main focus was on her son

God why am I behaving like this

Am I really developing a crush on someone I met merely 12 hours ago?

"He's here " I heard Aaron's voice

And my heart thumped.

"You can manage now right? " She asked me

I couldn't speak because of how fast my heart was beating so I nodded as Aaron left the kitchen

"Good morning baby " I heard Aaron's distant voice from the dining room

And then I heard his voice


Just a word. But enough to make a shiver run down my spine

Wtf is happening?

I hurriedly placed his plate which had 4 toasts, 2 scrambled eggs ,mashed potatoes and some bacon on the larger tray containing a jug of coffee and 2 cups

I picked it up with my shaky hands and boy was that heavy

I somehow managed to make it out of the kitchen but almost dropped the tray when I looked ahead.

There he sat.

Wearing a black suit , his brown hair perfectly jelled and styled back while his pink plump lips moved  as he talked to Aaron

I couldn't hear what he was saying

I was fucking mesmerized

Coming out of it, I managed to place the tray on the table. And then he looked at me. A gaze so intense, I felt goosebumps rising on my skin.
My heart thumping louder than ever. He was mere inches away from me

"G-good morning " I greeted him

But he didn't respond instead turned his attention back to Aaron

Damn it

What is his problem with me ?

I looked down embarrassed. And served him his coffee

"I cleared the dues of the house help and the cook. They won't be coming anymore"

He said Emotionlessly as he took a bite of his toast

"Why would you do that? " Aaron asked him confused

"You have her now" He told Aaron as he nodded his head in my direction but still didn't look at me

Why does him referring me as her hurt me?

Like bro I have a name okay?

"But she can't do everything! That's a lot of work " Aaron argued

I didn't want to hear more of this conversation anymore. So I hurriedly moved towards Aaron to serve her coffee

"Mom.. I am letting her stay in my house.  She must do everything or else find a place to live and get the hell out of my house "

Justin said almost as if he was irritated with this conversation.

Hearing him talk about me like that. That too in front of me As if  he really doesn't care about me and couldn't stand me made my eyes brim with tears but I obviously couldn't show them

So I wanted to leave , I really did. But my feet just won't move. I wanted to know what he thought of me

"Justin! Don't be ridiculo-" Aaron exclaimed

"Mom enough!" Justin half yelled

Which made both me and Aaron jerk back

"Stop arguing with me for someone you met a day ago! Please ! I am letting  a stranger  live with my family that's already enough! I am just trying to protect you okay?! God knows who she is! You don't know shit about her. She's just manipulating you with fake tears - "

That was enough I couldn't hear more. I will not accept such disrespect. I had to cut him off

" Please stop! "

I saw Aaron's expressions change as soon as I cut him off which confused me but I decided to continue

"I can do all the work you want me to okay? But please don't -"

My words got struck as Justin pushed himself out of the chair  and stood up furiously . His red angry eyes staring right in my now scared one as he stomped towards me in anger

"Justin! Don't! " Aaron exclaimed as she held onto his hand stopping him from coming closer to me

Which he did. He stopped. But glared at me with nothing but pure hatred

" Do Not Cut Me off. Ever again "

He spoke ever so slowly . Each one of those word filled with extreme hatred and anger

He picked up his briefcase from the table, and walked out furiously.

"Oh my god" Aaron rushed towards me and held onto my shoulders

"Sia I'm so sorry! Please forgive him! I should have warned you about his anger issues. He gets extremely angry when someone cuts him off Or disobeys  him "

I could hardly listen to what she was saying in order to console me.

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't process anything.

I just stood there frozen while tears flowed down my cheeks and my whole body Shivered in fear

All I could think of was one thing

If Andrew was bad , Justin is worst

I can't live here

This man is a fuckin monster


Update within 24 hours! Wohoo new record!

I hope you all are perfectly fine

This one got a little intense no? But I hope you liked it

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I'll see you all super soon

Thank you so much for reading



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