Chapter 39

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Justin's POV :

" She's still waiting outside " My secretary Ryan informed me. His voice is tired and bored mimicking my own state.

" For heaven's sake! I told you I would not be meeting her. " I sighed, leaning back in my chair, and closing my eyes as my left hand messaged my temples.

" J, I've already told her that. Would you like for me to call the security on her? "  Ryan raised his eyebrows. He might be my secretary but he's also a really good friend, so him calling me sir is not necessary. Especially when it's just the two of us.

" Hm, let me ask her myself to get the fuck out of my firm one last time, after that she is not my responsibility. You do whatever you think suits her right " I spoke, frustration clear in my voice as I made my way out of my office

" Whatever you say, J " He shrugged his shoulders, opening the door and gesturing me to go.

I made my way over to the waiting area in front of Ryan's desk. There she was, sitting patiently, her left knee bouncing rapidly. It was very clear that she was nervous, which is surprising given everything that has happened.

When she first showed up here, it was just a week after everything had happened. I had never imagined meeting her again, let alone her showing up at my place of work. I was beyond surprised. I told her that whatever she wanted from me was completely not okay and that I would never help her. But she refuses to listen. She's been showing up here every other day, asking Ryan to let her enter my cabin. I've been ignoring her. I walk past her when I leave in the evening, but she continues to follow me, screaming for me to stop and talk to her, and to help her. I just drive away, not even bothering to look at her from the rearview mirror. God, she's pathetic. 


She stood up as soon as she saw me, adjusting her pencil skirt and making her way over to me. I gestured for her to stop before she got too close.

" Justin! I knew  I knew you wouldn't resist me for too long. Come let's go and talk in private " She spoke hurriedly while trying to reach for my hand that was in my pocket.

" Stop it " I seethed through my teeth in anger. Why does she think what she's doing is normal?

She halted her movements, her expressions confused. She is acting as if my actions are strange ? 

God , this woman is in complete delusion

" You need to leave . I don't have anything to do with you . Got it ? I am not dealing with this nonsense anymore " I said looking straight into her eyes , making sure she heard me clear.

" Justin cmon - " she spoke again , shaking her head as if refusing to believe anything I was saying. It caused my anger to rise even more and I grabbed her arm making her look at me.

" Listen to me very clearly, this is my place of work. My law firm. I swear to god, if you come here again , I'll put charges on you for tresspassing" I warned her , before slightly pushing her away from me and turning around to leave.

" you can't - you can't do that " I heard her mumble behind me 

" oh  try me " I turned slightly to look at her gave her a sarcastic smirk. I saw her demeneor change as she struggled to find words to say something back to  me.

"If I were you , I'd pack my bags and leave the city , Alisha. " I gave her one last piece of advice before exiting the room .

I made my way towards the elevator and punched the ground floor button. As the doors closed I managed to get a glimse of Ryan talking to a now almost crying Alisha. I am pretty sure he was asking her to leave. I hope she leaves this time and never comes back.

There is something wrong with this woman . It was a week after Sia left and I was trying to drown myself in work  and get my mind off her when this annoying sister of hers came to my office, begging Ryan to meet me. He told her that I don't meet anyone without a prior appointment but she was so persistent that eventually he came in my office informing me that some random Indian girl was here to meet me. Me being me assumed it was Sia and asked him to let her in which was cleary a mistake. Ever since then this woman has been showing up here every other day. Not to talk highly of myself but this woman is definately obssessed.

I was shocked when she entered my office for the first time. At first I thought it was because of me rejecting their case, the case Jade was asking me to take was that of Andrew's. That asshole wanted a lawyer that would get him his divorce without a fair alimony settlement. Talk about how low a man could stoop. I was bad for Sia ,Yes. But this ex husband of hers?  On one hand, he desired a divorce with minimal financial obligations, yet on the other hand, he was prepared to fight when he discovered she was carrying his child. I should refrain from making such judgments, but at times, I question the mental stability of both Andrew and Alisha. Thank goodness, Sia escaped from these horrible human beings.

Alisha mentioned that she came to visit me to discuss Sia and me. Initially, I was puzzled as to why she was so interested in Sia's life, especially after causing harm to it herself. However, when I mentioned that Sia had left the house and I was unaware of her whereabouts, the true reason behind Alisha's visit became clear to me. I had assumed that she might be concerned about her sister being alone in a new city, but that was not the case. Alisha appeared rather calm. It was evident that she did not care about her sister. Instead of being content with taking everything from her sister, she desired more. This was the reason for her presence - to take me away from Sia. Without wasting any time, she began to sweet talk me, expressing her 'concern' while 'accidentally' touching my hands excessively.

I don't know what she thought , but I was not going to let her lure me in into her sweet seduction. Not like Sia and I were together but still , all my heart had yearned for was Sia ever since she left. I was not Andrew who would let go of such a precious soul for her younger sister who I bet loved noone but herself and her sense of superioty.

Alisha was desperate for me or any other guy not because she wanted me . She was desperate for her sense of superiority and need for validation that she was better than her sister. Her sister was not even present with us anymore yet this woman didn't care and didn't respect her sister one bit.

She could have fooled Andrew but she was not going to get me. Her manipulative eyes and gestures were not going to work for me. I have dealt with hundreds of liars , this one was not any different.

My lane of thoughts were interrupted with the elevator door opening. I ignored the voices in my head and made my way to the parking and then towards my car.

Starting the engine, I took a deep breath and drove away making my way into the busy streets of the city .

As I drive around, my eyes scan the roads, the shops, and groups of people. It has become a routine of mine for the past two months. Every day after work, sometimes even during the day, I drive around the city, looking for her. I am not sure if she's still in Boston, but I hope to God that she is. I am patiently waiting for the day I'll look into those brown eyes again. I pray to God every day to let me see her again.

To let me see Sia again.


Hello! Just as promised , back within 24 hours.

 I hope you liked this chapter. 

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I know some of you are very dissapointed with my unconsistency but I'm trying my best, trust me.

Thankyou so much for reading. 



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