Chapter 36

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Pure Bliss

Kissing Justin was pure bliss. 

Sia felt a little skeptical about the situation, as everything was happening too quickly. It seemed like as her relationship with her ex-family was ending, something new was starting between her and Justin.

Something beautiful.

Sia wasn't complaining though.

If anything being with Justin was the only thing that felt right.

If only she could spend each second of the day like this. which was surely a lot to ask for. 

Justin pulled Sia closer to his chest, causing her to snap out of her trance. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes she had ever seen.

"Hey," Justin rasped out.

"Hi" giggling, Sia freed herself from his grip and took a step behind. " we should go in" saying that she turned around.

Her emotions were too overwhelming. She feared that if she looked at him any longer, she would end up confessing things even she was afraid of. And so, she began walking inside, her heart thumping so loud, hundreds of butterflies churning inside her stomach in nervousness, while a small smile played on her lips. It had been so long since Sia felt so relieved and happy, and the sole reason was the person standing merely an arm's distance behind her.


" oh honey, I will go in " he chuckled as he hugged her from behind.

Sia let out a small laugh after scrunching her nose at his lame attempt at flirting.

She sighed with exasperation, muttering "Seriously?" as she turned her head to look at him. Their bodies were pressed together, her back resting against his chest, and his large hands encircling her small waist. She initiated the kiss this time, and as their lips met, Justin smiled. The kiss deepened, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"Oh my God! Mom! We were right!" Fay's voice startled them, causing them to quickly move away from each other and turn towards the front door. There was Fay, looking more shocked than surprised, with her mouth wide open and eyes staring. Aaron quickly followed behind her, her expression mirroring Fay's as they both realized what was happening.

" Mom" Justin quickly rushed towards them grabbing Aaron's arm and leading her inside. leaving a startled yet afraid Sia to deal with Fay whose expressions have gone from shocked to noncholent. stonic almost. She kept staring at her.

" Fay I -" Sia tried explaining but Fay turned around and left.

Fay appeared to be disappointed and even angry. Sia had never seen this side of Fay before. She was accustomed to the almost-smiling, loud, and over-excited Fay. This silent version of Fay frightened Sia. Although she wasn't sure what she was going to say to Fay, she knew she needed to talk to her. Both Aaron and Fay didn't seem happy when they saw her and Justin kiss. But why was Fay angry? Sia wondered. Maybe she felt protective of her brother, or maybe she knew that her brother was already committed.

God ! Sia you're about to get screwed.

Taking deep breaths to calm her increasing heartbeat, Sia decided to face the situation instead of worrying outside.

As she approached the living room, Sia heard raised voices. Justin was on his knees in front of Aaron, who sat on the sofa looking disappointed. Fay was beside him. Sia decided to stand by the doorframe and let the family talk first. Justin held Aaron's hands in his own, his eyebrows scrunched together in stress as he tried to explain their situation. Aaron looked down at him, shaking her head in disappointment. Sia moved closer to listen and hopefully help Justin. Their backs were towards her, except Justin, who hadn't noticed her yet. Sia was unsure what was happening until she heard Aaron speak, and her heart dropped.

" How can you cheat on Emily honey? I thought you loved her more than anything in the world" Aaron asked.

" I - " 

Justin was at a loss for words, as evidenced by his downward gaze and head shake. Sia's heart was breaking, as she did not intend for this conflict to arise. She couldn't believe that her actions had caused hurt to Aaron - even Fay was disappointed. The guilt inside her grew exponentially as she heard Fay's next words - she felt terrible.

"How can you do this to her Justin? How can you do this to my best friend? " 

And that's it! For now!
A little twist and turn in the story doesn't hurt anyone, right?

Well, I hope y'all liked this chapter just as much as the previous one.

I updated it within 3 days! Say what?!
Also, guys, you all NEED TO VOTE.

Please it helps a lot.
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