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"Thank youu, I love it" Kianna said to her hairstylist after getting small, long knotless braids.

"You welcome I'm glad u like it, be safe" she responded wiping off the chair while Kianna put her stuff on

"You too" she said leaving out and getting in her car driving off to her house. It had been about a week since her and Keon had last spoken, but she was trying her best to not think about it.

They were both missing each other, but things happen. They were both too stubborn to text or call first.

"Wassuppppp, ooouuu u look Good" Kai said answering Kianna's FaceTime call.

"Thankssss I'm on my way, but do u want some from Wendy's" she asked smiling and making a left turn into Wendy's drive thru. Kai had been at her house with Marie earlier.

"Yea a frostie, that's it" she said flat ironing her hair in the mirror

"Ight, Chocolate right?"

"Yeah" Kai responded while Kianna ordered their food. Kianna got a four for four with a bacon cheeseburger and fries


"So y'all still into it" Kai said looking annoyed. I didn't tell her everything I just said that we wasn't talking.

"I guess" I said shrugging lightly

"Yall both mad stubborn, y'all know y'all miss each other like whats stopping y'all" she said in confusion scratching her head.

"My ego" I said honestly.

"U need to get over thattt.. God damn" she said scrunching her face up

"No I don't, fuck him. Ain't nb finna kiss his ass  he started wit me. I should've treated his ass but he hung up befo I could." I said rolling my eyes getting irritated all over again

"Ight man, y'all gon be fucking by next week but whatever" she said rolling her eyes and waving me off

"Uhnt uh we ain't even kissed, please." I said scrunching my eyebrows together at the thought of that. I'm not saying he was ugly but.. I don't knowwww

"I'm finna go to Tyrell house, I miss my lil baby" she said getting up putting her shoes on.

"See you" I said as she left down the stairs and our the door. I really did miss Keon, it felt like I had gotten attached to him and I hated not talking or being up under him. I doubt if he felt the same though, maybe he really did want to be left alone.

I decided to go finish some homework that was due next week for school. School had been going good and I had made some new friends which was also good.

While I sat on my bed typing on my laptop, I was thinking about my mom. Sometimes I did wish we could have a good relationship. Every girl wants a good relationship with their mom and it's lowkey a slap in the face how it seem like she don't even try to put any effort into our relationship. Going on lil dates ain't gon change shit. That lady ain't even call me on my 18th birthday. Fuck her.

That's what one side of my mind thought. The other tried to make me feel bad for her and maybe she was going through something we didn't know about, but she could've atleast been honest with me.

She put her new lil 'family' before her blood children. She a few of my dance performances at school cause she was out with her lil boyfriend meeting his kids which I've still never met to this day. I don't plan to either to be honest. I don't care to know them at all, them ain't my step siblings.

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