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As the shadow turned the corner, three shots rang out. Two out of three the shots Kianna let out hitting him in his lungs and stomach— and one the unknown man let out hitting Kianna in her lower waist.

"Fuck" Kianna whined holding her waist feeling blood rushing out of her body. Kianna had never been in a situation like this before, and was completely terrified.

Crouching over, Kianna attempted to make her way to the bathroom to grab her phone to call
Keon— the only person she could call.

"Byron you down?!" The other man shouted from downstairs startling her.

As the man slowly made his way upstairs, this gave Kianna a small amount of time to make her way to the bathroom to recover her phone.

The more energy she used to move the weaker her body was becoming.

Just as Kianna made it to the counter, two shots were sent to her stomach, and just right below her right rib.

As she collapsed to the floor, the man fled down the stairs running out the door leaving it wide open.

Kianna's breathing became slower as her body lost consciousness as she tried to fight for air as her vocal cords began to feel like they were being blocked.

The last thing she heard was a car pull up and someone get out of it slamming the door aggressively— that someone was Keon.

As soon as he saw the door open he rushed into the house frantically searching for Kianna. He didn't care what happened to him— he was only worried about Kianna.

"KIANNA" he yelled searching through all of the rooms until he made it to his seeing her laid on the floor unconscious.

It's almost as if his heart stopped beating for five seconds before he could even react.

"fuck" his voice cracked as he rushed to her body picking her up bridal style jogging down the stairs as a tear streamed down his face.

"Fuck bro not you" he said placing her in the car as he sped off going 203 mph to the hospital.

A.N: I looked it up and google said that's the fastest a hellcat dodge can go🤷🏾‍♀️

The hospital was about a fifteen minute drive— he made it there in 4.

Getting out of the car with his hands trembling, he grabbed Kianna out and ran in making everyone's attention face the front entrance.

"What happened?" A nurse asked running towards him while two others brought the board to take her to the back room.

"Ion know jus- jus help her please bruh" he said sniffling with tears running down his face while his hands behind his head breathing heavily

Keon felt like he was dying on the inside, truth be told he needed Kianna. He was in love with her. As much as he has his moments, she became a part of his life— she was practically his reason for living, and for him to see her like this just wasn't right.

He wasn't thinking about vengeance or about the people who did this to her, he just thinking about the consequences if she didn't make it.

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