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It was 6:47am on Christmas Day, and Kianna was waking up from her good, long nights sleep.

She looked around squinting her eyes with a frown, but seeing Keon fast asleep made her smile softly.

"Oh shit" she mumbled quietly, coming to the realization that it was Christmas.

She stretched her arms and back before getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.

After she brushed her teeth and washed her face, she went back into the room to wake Keon up.

Before touching him, she stood on the side of him just admiring him. This was their first Christmas together, and she never felt happier to spend her favorite holiday with her favorite person.

"Keon" she said softly shaking him

"Hm" he grunted turning around making her smile a little.

"Get up, I wanna open presents" she said tapping his face lightly

"Mhm" he said still staying in the same position he was In.

"Merry Christmas baby" she said kissing All over his face making him wake up

"Mhm" he said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

A few minutes later after brushing his teeth and washing his face, he came in and embraced Kianna with a warm, loving hug.

"Merry Christmas lil girl" he said kissing her forehead while rubbing her lower back/butt.

"Come on" she said holding his hand guiding him down the stairs to see a beautifully lit up Christmas tree with a lot of gifts underneath.

Once they made it to the tree, they sat down and Kianna set up her camera to record for her YouTube channel.

"Hey guys, it's currently like 5 sum going on 6, and it's Christmas Day. I have my favorite person here with me and we're about to open gifts." She said excitedly

"Hea, open this" he said passing her a gift. It was a rectangular box that was kind of heavy.

"Interestinggg" she said smiling observing the box.

She ripped off all the wrapping paper and reveled an easy bake oven with a cook book inside of it.

"Is you serious?" She asked laughing

"Yea, u needa learn how to cook. Take baby steps, cause u can't even control the stove by yourself" he said as they laughed

"Not toooo much, I'm learning." Kianna said covering her face in embarrassment.

"It's Ight, open this" Keon said handing her another box. This one was medium sized but more so small.

When she opened it she revealed an iPhone 14 pro, with 3 different phone cases.

"Aweee thank you" Kianna said smiling excitedly and gave him a big hug.

"You welcome" he said hugging her back

"Okay, here you gooo" he said passing him a huge box.

"The fuck in here?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Just open it, dang." She said becoming impatient

When he opened it, it was a customized ps5 with pictures of them two of them, and a controller that read 'Kianna & Keon'.

"Aww u snapped" he said laughing sending relief to Kianna. She wasn't sure if he'd like it or not, but this just proved that he liked it.

"Yeeaaahhhh, big mf K" she said clapping

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