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Humming to the tune of 'Auld Lang Syne' and focusing all of his attention onto the new sketch that he has been working on for a few days now, Yohan remained clueless to what was happening around him and chose to remain inside of his little bubble. He knew he needed a small break after what happened earlier in class so that he'd have more energy and brain juice for when he hangs out with the boys later after classes.

"What the fuck?"

Im Yohan instantly pauses himself from his sketching and tilts his head up after hearing various students screaming at the top of their lungs from a distance. Narrowing his eyes to focus his vision, he notices that several students have launched themselves out of the glassed windows of the school from a few floors and fell to their death on the ground. Bolting up from his seat and dropping to sketchpad and pencil in his hands in pure shock, he then hears bone-shrilling screams of agony echo once again around him. His eyes immediately caught sight of bloodied and injured students rushing through the fields and began attacking everyone, biting their teeth into the flesh of their fellow schoolmates. The sight instantly made him sick to the stomach as terrifying shivers run down his spine at the horrifying sight happening before his very eyes..

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Yohan curses out loud, quickly scrambling onto his feet so that he can immediately flee from the scene before they notice his presence and possibly try to attack him as well. He jumps down the bleachers as he tries his best to dodge every rushing student that passes him that were either trying to escape from the sudden chaos or have already been bitten and are slowly becoming one of them. Ignoring his conscience screaming at him to at least do something to help the people around him, he instead focused on running for his life and figuring out what was currently happening.

He couldn't help but worry for his classmates, wondering if they were alright and safe in the midst of the chaos that's happening. Are they alright? Or have they been also attacked by these monsters and became one of them? Choosing to push those thoughts aside for now, he just runs until who knows where his legs dragged him to. All he knows is that he desperately needs to get out of the once green luscious fields that were now decorated with the blood and organs of what was once his fellow schoolmates.

But in the midst of his thoughts of trying to run away, Yohan was instantly knocked off balance and he soon collided with the blood-slicked ground, making him grunt in pain at the sudden collision. But he soon ignored the blooming pain on his back as panic and anxiety instantly flooded his chest upon noticing one of those monsters that had now straddled his waist, attempting to bite down onto his neck and tear a chunk of his flesh. Its blood soon dripped onto his clothes and face causing him to struggle underneath while the monster could only growl and snarl at his ministrations. The disgusting scent of rotting flesh floods his nose, almost making him gag and tremble but the adrenaline of wanting to survive victoriously takes over his senses. Soon enough, he manages to kick off the monster on top of him as he desperately wipes the blood on his face while trying to scurry away from the feral monster, who's still trying to crawl and reach out to him.

ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴍᴇ (ᴍᴀʟᴇ ᴏᴄ x ᴀʟʟ ᴏғ ᴜs ᴀʀᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ)Where stories live. Discover now