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The remaining students of class 2-5 merely sat in their seats and refused to say anything amidst the clearly tense atmosphere within the room that they are all stuck in. Each one of them kept stealing glances at the seemingly infected student who was sitting near the windows and had his gaze focused on the field outside, where their zombified schoolmates continued to roam the school grounds in search for their next victim. From what they have noticed so far, it seems like he wasn't acting feral and attempting to bite them like the other zombies they have encountered so far. He just seems normal, more human than the others and yet they still can't help but feel like something within him has drastically changed within the time he was infected.

"Yohan? How are you feeling?" Gyeongsu can't help but question the motionless teenager as he was immensely worried about his condition. And as much as he wanted to approach and try to comfort his friend, it seems like Onjo is preventing them from doing so as she claims that he might need some space for now to try and wrap his thoughts about everything that has happened so far. Sitting beside him was Wujin, who immediately smacked him in the arm for asking such a ridiculous question when all of them knew that he's the one who's gone through more shit than the rest of them. In return, the teenager just decided to keep his mouth as he scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment for asking something stupid.

Upon hearing the worry and anxiety laced within his classmate's voice, Yohan then redirected his attention towards them and immediately noticed how they were all staring at him as they waited for his response, well if he ever plans to answer their question that is. The cold teenager could only look down onto his hands that were both resting on his lap and instantly catches sight of his now dried yet still swollen scratch wound that he had gotten earlier. He couldn't help but wince at the stinging feeling of the back of his hand and at the sight of the dried up blood along with the pulsing black veins surrounding the wound.

"I feel numb." Yohan mumbles underneath his breath before letting out an audible sigh as he redirects his attention back to the fields and rests his forehead onto the window. His body felt incredibly sore and was almost about to drop its entire weight onto the ground due to the intense fatigue he was feeling. But no matter how much his body is screaming at him to get some rest even though he has been unconscious for quite some time now, his mind is still very much active and running laps after laps as he tries to process that he's now one of the zombies. And yet he still can't help but wonder how he didn't turn like the rest of them.

"Numb?" Namra quizzically asks as she continues to stare at her classmate, feeling her heart sink at his miserable looking state. She couldn't help but pity him for what Nayeon has done to him and wondered if she was just a little more confident in calling the girl in pink out for her dangerous plan earlier on, then maybe he wouldn't end up like this.

Yohan merely just nods his head in response and refuses to elaborate any further on what he's currently feeling. He absolutely hated the intense feeling of their gazes burning holes straight to his very soul, giving him these pathetic pity looks that he despises so much. He suspected that they must have wanted him to vent out everything that he's feeling at the moment to try and help alleviate the burden he's been harboring inside his chest. But there was no way that he'll do that and will continue to refuse to until his very last breath.

Sensing that the cold teenager was no longer in the mood to continue the conversation regarding his condition, the students decided to drop it for now as they don't want him to feel suffocated by their constant pressure that might cause him to lash out on them. Instead, all of them stayed and basked in the silence as they sigh in relief that their friend seems to be doing alright for now. They'll worry about his condition when he's ready to elaborate more on what seems to be going on within him, for now they'll have to think of an alternative plan on how they'll get out of this room and call for help.

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