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After a few more minutes of Yang Daesu desperately trying to debate and push his idea towards his classmates, it was immediately shut down and rejected while Nam Onjo decided to voice her own idea that she have learned from her father, who is a professional firefighter and have taught her some basic survival skills that might come in handy. Well it seems like in the midst of a zombie apocalypse currently happening throughout what they might deem would be the entire city by now considering the lack of outside help they're getting, it sure will be useful at this moment.

The girl in the cream jacket then soon appointed some roles and tasks for each of her classmates to do in order for them to make a makeshift bathroom as they suspect that they might be on their own for a while. They decided to use the recording studio as their bathroom as it can be a separate room from where all of them would be sleeping tonight. All of them split up to get things done right away as the night was beginning to grow colder and darker within each minute that passed by. Some of them looked around the room to find the materials they needed to either cover the screens of the recording studio or things that can absorb urine and feces. The tall and muscular members of the group then decided to push some of the cabinets and drawers inside the room to completely block the view for the privacy of their bathroom.

As Im Yohan was trying to push the metal drawers into the recording studio, a sudden wave of stinging pain then greets him out of nowhere which made an audible yelp escape his lips. He instantaneously lets go of the drawers and clutches his throbbing hand close to his chest in order to take a closer look at his suddenly painful wound. The forceful sound of the metal drawers hitting the ground quickly echoed throughout the room and made everyone jump within their spots as they all flinched their heads towards the source of the noise, fearing that it may have attracted the attention of the flesh eating monsters outside.

"Are you alright, Yohan? What happened?" Dropping whatever task he was currently doing, Gyeongsu worriedly walks towards their infected classmate with the others in tow behind him as they also want to check up on their friend's condition. They were concerned that they might've managed to overwhelm him with the tasks given to him after having been through such a traumatic experience.

Choi Namra, who was the one closest to him at the moment, sidles up beside Yohan before she carefully and gently grabs a hold of his wounded hand so as to not catch him off guard by her sudden motion. She delicately holds the teenager's wounded hand closer to her face so that she can get a closer look to see what seems to be the cause of the unexpected discomfort coursing through his veins at the moment. From what the class president can see from the wound, it seems like it had begun bleeding once again upon the tension and stretch it had endured from him constantly moving and using his hand. It still looked quite swollen as the skin looked like it was already irritated from the lack of cover. Everyone also noticed the pulsing black veins surrounding the wound as it slowly creeps up towards his arms and probably spreading throughout his entire body.

"That looks nasty." Daesu can't help but cringe at the sight of the infected teenager's wound before shifting his gaze higher only to see Yohan giving him a deadpanned glare, silently telling him to keep his mouth shut or else he'll riot right here and then. He gingerly smiles at him and folding his fingers into a peace sign as a means of apologizing to him. Wujin, who noticed their quick exchange, couldn't help but smack his best friend across the head for even trying to joke about the unfortunate event that had happened to him.

"We need to bandage it, otherwise it'll only get worse." Namra stoically announces as she fishes a clean handkerchief out of her pockets with her free hand, before lightly wiping away the blood pouring out from his wound. Yohan couldn't help but visibly flinch in discomfort upon feeling her accidentally put pressure onto the wound, which instantly made her sputter out apologies out of her mouth to which he then dismisses as he knows she's only trying to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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