Chapter 2

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The car stopped outside a huge gate while the guards came running to open the gate for their boss' car to enter.

As the car proceeded further Naina was left amused by the scenery in front of her. Huge gardens spread as far as her sight went, flowers blooming throughly, butterflies all around, fountains in the four corners and a white mansion in between. Guards in their black uniforms were deputed at the entrance of the house while servants in grey white uniform running here and there decorating the area with flowers and lights.

As the car stopped in front of the house, one of the guards opened Rajveer's gate, coming outside of the car he came towards Naina's side and opened the door for her. Looking meekly at her surroundings Naina timidly got off and stood reading designs on the ground.

Gently taking her hand in his Rajveer walked inside when a voice stopped them "STOP right there...don't dare yo enter Veeru"

Hearing this Naina looked up and found a man in mid twenties standing with pooja kii thaal in hand

Giving a sigh of annoyance Rajveer stated "What is all this Navu ?"

"My best friend, my brother,  and my one and only boss got married today....I have this much right to at least welcome him and his wife to their house" Naveen said with a cheeky grin

"And your boss can fire you for this" Rajveer tried to play with words

Rolling his eyes Naveen back answered " can best friend will kill that more bhabhi is standing here and won't keep her hung for long so let me do her welcome"

For the next 5 minutes Naveen took is sweet time in welcoming his best friend and his bhabhi to their house which soon would be transformed into a home by God's grace.

"Okay now bhabhi you kick this pot filled with rice and come inside leaving your footprints...but please make sure to kick this pot on your dear husband's good for nothing face."

Giving out a small chuckle Naina followed Naveen's instructions...well, not all but just leaving the violent part of it. As she was about to enter her feet in the pot with red liquid, Rajveer held her hand for support.

"Thankyou for taking so long in this whole welcoming process...can we please go to freshen up sir" Rajveer asked Naveen extra sweetly annoyed with the fact that Naina needed rest and here he was holding her into these never ending rituals.

"Yaa sure but not before giving me neg" Naveen demanded forwarding his hand.

"And I thought that's what SISTER'S ask for" Rajveer pointed out

Shaking his head sideways Naveen answered "you know since I am your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister, your servant, your employee etc etc so I have to take care of every responsibility I have...."

Handing over his black card to Naveen Rajveer went away with Naina saying "do whatever you want"

"Chakk de phatte mere sher" Naveen shouted from behind laughingly.


Rajveer guided Naina to his room and on entering closed the door behind them getting the already nervous Naina flinch in restlessness.

Looking everywhere except Naina, Rajveer started explaining everything, "Umm....I don't know where to start from....I am really sorry for what all happened there in Bareilly....listening to their foul accusations and the fear in your eyes...I don't know what happened to me that I took such a big step without your consent....But what I felt was right at that time I did that...please don't take me have all the freedom to decide what you want...I'd never force you...You take your time and tell me your decision...I will make arrangements as you say...and if there is someone you like....then I'll annule this marriage and get you both married....but Naina...if there is no one in your life...I'd really wanna give our marriage a chance...though none of us wouldve imagined our marriage to happen such a way but there is something special in you Naina....never in my life had any girl mattered to me this way like you might not be wise to say all this now when its barely a few hours we met....i just dont know why you seem someone special....and I really want to form a bond with you...and someday I wanna fall in love with you....but all these matter only if you want"

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