Chapter 3

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In the dinning hall Naveen was already present and the food was served on the table with servants standing by the side in case anyone needed anything.

Rajveer and Naveen acquired their seats while Naina started serving both of them. "Naina why are you doing this...we can serve ourselves" Rajveer asked to which Naveen supported.

 " all can have your lunch...I'll have once you guys are done...and till then I can serve you" she answered as if it was a daily act.Holding her hand Rajveer made her sit beside him and asked "What happened Naina...?"

"In Bareilly I wasn't allowed to eat with everyone....I used to stand by the side and serve everyone and once they were done if anything was left then I'd have it or if it was a special occasion then I'd get the leftover porridge made for dadi " she ended with moist eye remembering the old times. Her justification got some sharp pain in Naveer's hearts. Composing himself Naveen answered "Bhabhi you are not in their house anymore...this is your house and you are the one to decide everything..."

"I had said this earlier as well Naina and I repeat it again....this is your house and you have every right on it, every right on my possessions and me too....also...from now onwards whenever possible we three will have our meal together" Rajveer told her...."You all can leave for your lunch....we'll do it ourselves" saying Naveen dismissed the servants. Rajveer prepared the plate for Naina and forwarded a morsel to her. With a slight smile she started eating followed by Rajveer and Naveen.

"By the way Naina...I didn't introduce you to him right...??" Rajveer asked all of a sudden. 

"Umm yeah....kind off" Naina said hesitantly

"It's okay bhabhi I'll introduce myself...." Naveen was about to give his intro when Rajveer stopped him saying "naah.....I wanna do it....." Rajveer shut Naveen. 

Then looking towards Naina he continued "Naina....this weird creature sitting in front is my best friend, my partner and my lifeline Naveen Singh can expect him anywhere anytime and doing anything....just like a no wait....not like a ghost but like know he is always pinning onto me" he ended by teasing Naveen. Hearing Naveen's full name Naina became pale but somehow masked her emotions and gave a faint smile to them.

"Correct and bhabhi not only this but I am his servant, mom, dad, sister, punching bag etc etc everything .... we are our family....but finally now we got a new addition in our small world" Naveen added playfully

"And dare you try calling me again Naveen Sing Ahluwaliya" came a shrill voice due to which Naveen flinched at his place and looked at Rajveer in fright.

Giving a devilish grin Rajveer handed over the cell phone to Naveen and enjoyed his meal while Naveen kept pasturing his dear fiancé. 

"Umm....Jii...what happened ?" Naina asked in confusion. Controlling his laughter Rajveer answered her "While mentioning his family he forgot Shalini...his fiancé and without his notice I ringed her giving an insight of his talks. Now she'll act annoyed for sometime then they will get back together like before....its their everyday story. I love it when she treats him like this"

Naina bit her lip to control her laughter but failed badly...."okay now have your lunch fast and have a the evening we'll go shopping"

" already got so many clothes....what's the need for more" Naina voiced out her opinion........"surely there is newly wedded wife came home.....I couldn't do her welcome properly let alone the marriage....and this is the least I can do....please let me do it" he said honestly.

Giving up in front of her stubborn husband Naina nodded shyly....on the other hand she was happy as well.....after her brother's death this is the first time someone is doing so much for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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