Spending The Night Over

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Namjoon's POV
It must've been a couple of weeks after Jiwoo came over unexpectedly, of course our divorce is still in process because these type of things like to take forever. The day after she came, she told her lawyer I "forbid" her from seeing the kids which Chaeyoung does not like her mom at all. Junwoo is just a baby so he can't say anything. "Mr.Kim?" I look up to my secretary Eunwoo at the door. "Yes Eunwoo?" "Your lawyer is here to talk to you." "Okay bring him in." Now my lawyer came in and closed the door. "Yes Mr.Lee." "Why am I getting a call from your ex-wife's lawyer saying you forbid her from seeing the kids?" I groaned and went back in my chair. "First of all I only arrived after an hour being in work." "So please explain on this for me because if we don't have anything that backs it up, then you know she will have custody of the kids!" I sighed and put my pen down. "The babysitter I hired had called me saying the lady I told him about had pushed her way through and stayed there, trying to get Chaeyoung to go to her, then I get there a little later and we argued but I told her to get out."

My lawyer sat down. "Namjoon that's fine, but you do realize when this goes to court, that the babysitter will have to back up what you're saying." "Yeah I know that." I covered my face and sighed. "Okay, I'll be keeping contact with you if anything changed okay?" "Okay, have a good day Mr.Lee." I got up and opened the door for him and he left. I decided to cancel the small meeting that was supposed to happen in 30 minutes and decided to go out with some friends.

~A couple of hours later~
Jungkook's POV
"When is dad coming back?" "He'll be back in a bit." I called his phone again and he picked up. "Hello?" "Hey it's Jungkook umm Chaeyoung is wondering when you're coming home." "Oh shit what time is it?" "It's 6:30." "Okay I'll be there in a bit!" He ended the call and looked at Chaeyoung. "Wanna watch Moana?" "No let's watch En...En...Encanto!" (A/N: Encanto is such a good movie!) "Okay, let's grab a blanket!"

Namjoon's POV
I parked the car and rushed inside and heard a movie playing so I went into the living room and saw Jungkook and Chaeyoung asleep on the couch, luckily Junwoo was asleep as well. "Chaeyoung?" I whispered and she stirred a bit in her sleep but she woke up. "Dad?" "Yeah let's get you to bed but don't wake Jungkook up okay?" She nodded and slowly got up, then I picked her up and tucked her into bed. I went back into the living room and saw Jungkook awake. "Oh hey...didn't know you came in." He yawned and I smiled a bit. "I came in only a couple of minutes ago, I already put Chaeyoung in bed, I was hoping to not wake you up." "No it's fine, I'll get going, Jimin should be here already." He looked at his phone and sighed then put it away again. "Never mind, he's busy with this guy he met." "Oh you can stay here if you want I have a guest bedroom." "Okay, I guess I can stay but only this one time!" He pointed out one finger and I nodded. "I'll order something to eat." "Oh pizza!"

After eating I led him to the guest bedroom and gave him some pajamas. "There's a toothbrush in the bathroom, if you need anything else let me know." "Okay, thank you!" "No problem." I left the guest bedroom and grabbed my laptop, some snacks and sat at the table doing some work. I started to look at the emails that were sent to me and replied back to a lot of them as well. I started to feel sleepy but I had to get these done so I don't have to worry about them tomorrow, especially since I have meetings tomorrow.

~The Next Day~
Jungkook's POV
I changed back into my clothes and saw Chaeyoung awake and heard Junwoo crying. I picked him up and took him into the kitchen and saw Namjoon asleep. I got the bottle ready and fed him, placing him in his crib after he was done and woke Namjoon up. "It's time to wake up." I tapped his shoulder and he flinched and sat up quickly. "No no cancel the meeting it's worthless!" He looked around and took a paper that was stuck to his cheek. "Sorry, I guess I fell asleep at the table." "It's fine, maybe you should take the day off to relax and spend time with your kids." I put some stuff away and got breakfast ready for Chaeyoung. "Yeah I might do that." "Okay, thank you for letting me stay! Bye!" I left and went back to my apartment.

I went in and saw Jimin making breakfast. "Hey Jimin- woah what's with all those marks?" "You really wanna know?" "Actually..." I thought about it for a bit. "Yeah I don't wanna know!" I sat down at the table and Jimin placed a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me. "No class today?" "Nope! It's the weekend remember?" "Oh, well let's go do something!" "Mall?" Jimin smiled and I smiled back. "Bitch you know I got a paycheck let's waste it!" "Don't forget about paying rent and bills!" I ate quickly and got ready. "Already did that this month!" "What?! You should've told me!" We got in the car and drove off to the mall.

We were shopping and buying clothes, accessories and shoes and got to the food court. "I'm gonna get us some Panda Express!" "Okay!" I got into the line and waited, it was pretty busy today. I heard some footsteps behind me but didn't think much of it until I heard the voice. "Jungkook?" My eyes widened and I turned around and saw the person I didn't really want to see for the rest of my life. "Taehyung?"

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