05. The Mark of Nimueh (Part I)

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Nimueh spoke a spell. "Berbay odothay arisan yeldo."

She placed a magic egg, containing an afanc she sculpted, into water. It travelled through underground waterways to a manmade cavern. Nimueh watched Camelot from her water basin.

"Diegol cnytte, gewitte me yst, aliese hine, to Camelot he cymþ."


Gaius, Colette and Merlin looked over corpse in the street.

"Aren't you scared?" Merlin asked.

"Of what?" Gaius wondered.

"That you might catch whatever it is."

"I'm the court physician, Merlin. This is part of my job. Most of the time there's nothing really to be scared of." He turned over the corpse to reveal a white skinned, white eyed face.

Colette glanced at Gaius. "You were saying?"

"People mustn't see this. They will panic."


Gwen and her father got ready at home.

"Dad, here's your sandwich," Gwen said.

"Ooh. Mmm, what's in it?" Tom asked.

"It's smoked pigeon. But I'd say there's more smoke than pigeon."

Tom laughed. "You're such a good girl to me."

"And I've done you some watercress soup tonight."

"Don't tell me, with more water in it than cress?"

She laughed and they hugged. "I'll see you later."

"Okay. Bye."


Merlin, Colette and Gaius wheeled the body over the castle drawbridge.

Gwen approached, carrying the flowers she had at home and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Er... just moving something," Merlin replied.

"Looks heavy."

"Earm, it's nothing really. Erm... did someone got you flowers?"

"Oh! No." She giggled. "Would you like one? A purple one. Purple suits you. Not that I'm saying red doesn't suit you. Colette, would you like one?"

Colette nodded and was given a flower which she stuck in her hair.

"Thanks. Well, er..."

Merlin stuck the flower in his scarf. Gwen smiled.

"Er... see you," Merlin said as Colette waved.

"Bye," Gwen replied.


Gwen entered with flowers and Morgana said, "You look happy."

"I picked these for you," Gwen told her.

"Oh, that's so sweet."

"Something to cheer you up. I know you're not sleeping well."

"You cheer me up."

"Would you like me to put them in water for you?"


Merlin, Colette and Gaius were looking at the body with a magnifying glass.

"I've never seen anything like this before," Gaius said.

"Do you think it could be some kind of plague?" Merlin asked.

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