29. The Once and Future Queen (Part I)

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Odin was staring heartbrokenly at a shrine dedicated to his dead son.

"My Lord, he is here," Kelsa said as Myror entered.

"You are Myror?" Odin asked. "Legend has it, you are the most feared assassin in all the known lands. Tell me, are you as ruthless as they say you are? You would kill anyone?"

"I have killed many people," Myror replied. "They are all the same to me."

"You are prepared to kill royalty?"

"My Lord, you would already be dead had someone placed a bounty on you." He successfully fough Odin's men. Odin threw Myror a bag of coins.

"I want you to kill the man who murdered my son. I want you to kill Arthur Pendragon. And his sister Anne."


A jouster was unhorsed and fell to the floor.

"That has got to hurt," Merlin said.

"That's the point, Merlin," Arthur told him. "It's not a pillow fight. Fetch me another lance, will you?"

Merlin did so. Arthur jousted against Sir Leon. A flash of light temporarily blinded Arthur, leaving him vulnerable. However, Leon chose to pull out rather than take his advantage.

"Why did you pull out, I was wide open?" Arthur asked. "You could have unhorsed me."

"I was fearful that I might injure you, Sire," Sir Leon replied.

"You had the advantage. You can't afford to hesitate."

"I wouldn't have done if I were facing a different opponent. You are the future King, My Lord."

"You jousted against me in the tournament last year. Are you saying you let me win?"

"No, My Lord."

"It doesn't matter who I am! I do not expect any special treatment from you, from any of you! Is that understood?"

The knights hesitated and nodded.

Anne laughed softly as she walked up. "They'll give you special treatment no matter what, Arthur."

Arthur frowned at her. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"No. Colette is busy tending to her duties and I was bored."


"How am I going to prove myself if my opponents aren't trying their hardest?" Arthur wondered.

"I'm sure it's not happening all the time," Merlin said.

"So it's happening some of the time?"

"No, I'm certain it isn't."

Anne raised a brow as she looked between them with an amused smirk.

"Now you're doing it! You're telling me exactly what you think I want to hear!"

"Yes. Er... no. Er... What was the question?"

Arthur grew exasperated. "That just proves it. All my life I've been treated as if I'm special. I just want to be treated just like everyone else."


"You have no idea how lucky you and your sister are."

"Well, anytime you or Anne want to swap places, just let me or Lettie know."

"That's not a totally stupid idea."

"You're Prince Arthur. She's Princess Anne. You can't change who you are."

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