20. The Moment of Truth (Part II)

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Arthur trained the village men. "I won't be able to teach you everything there is to know about fighting with a sword, but you can learn the basics: the stance, how to parry a blow, how to land your own. On my count! One! Two! Three! Four! Now, you may have to watch for the feint. So, keep your feet moving, and only stay in range long enough to land your blow. And again. One! Two! Three! Four!"

Morgana, Anne and Gwen watched the training as they sharpened swords.

"One! Two! Three! Four!"

"There is no way they're going to be able to hold Kanen off," Morgana said.

"Men aren't the only ones who can fight," Gwen stated.

"Again," Arthur ordered. "One! Two! Three! Matthew. I want you to organise sentry duty to keep an eye out for Kanen and his men.

"Be glad to," Matthew replied.

"If there's any sign of attack, I want you to ride straight back here. I don't want you fighting all on your own."

"Ha-ha." He nodded.


Arthur drew water from the well to drink.

"Looks like the battle's already fought and lost," Morgana said.

"They'll toughen up," Arthur reasoned.

"They need to," Gwen and Anne told him.

"How are we doing for weapons?"

"There isn't much, but we should be able to scrape together what you need," Morgana replied.

"It's not the weapons that worry us," Gwen admitted. "It's having enough people to use them. We think the women should be allowed to fight."

"You haven't enough men. If they were trained soldiers, maybe you'd stand a chance, but they're not."

"It's too dangerous," Arthur told them as he walked towards the resting men. "Right! Back on your feet! Come on, let's go!"


The Camelot party slept, except for three.

"We don't stand a chance," Gwen said.

"Arthur can't see that," Morgana stated. "He's too stubborn."

Merlin and Colette woke.

"Why do you think he came here?" Anne wondered.

"The same reason we did: Merlin and Colette. Arthur may act like he doesn't care, but he wouldn't be here if he didn't."


Arthur spoke to the men. "We're not going to be able to defend Ealdor with sword and sinew alone. We're going to need a plan. We need to find some way of limiting their mobility and drawing them into a trap. If we fight them on their terms, then..."

A village woman screamed. Arthur and the men rushed outside to investigate. Matthew was slung over a horse.

"Get him down from there!" Arthur ordered.

The village men took Matthew down as villagers gather around. Arthur read the note that was on the arrow in his back.

"What does it say?" Merlin and Colette asked.

""Make the most of this day, it will be your last.""

"Matthew!" Matthew's fiancée cried. "No! No! No!"

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