Chapter 7

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Finally and Update
I still have a lot of school works to do but still write this💀

Note:I forgot to put the reminders at the top in some chapters so since there's also a reminder at the prologue i'll add on the special or really horrific chapter

And thank you for your support!I really appreciated it but i just can't update everyday due to my responsibilities and 'things'.Ive got a problematic week because of some things but still thanks for the support!

3343 Words

Chapter 7: Zombies



Loud screams could hear everywhere.
The students got tackled by also a student but not normal.Everyone is running for their lives and so do i

These creatures pinning,tackling on students and biting them like they are a hungry animals that badly need a flesh and blood then after biting one they'll find another one and that student will became a hungry animal too and it keeps repeating and repeating.

The field is full of those creatures and also the hallway but i know to myself that i have to find my way to a safe place...if there's one but the only room i could think of was our classroom.

I ran inside the building as fast as i can and everytime the creature tries to jump on me i keep dodging it and running away and then i climb upstairs.
Then the creature jumps on me so immediately  push it down the stairs and start running again

Luckily,The hallway doest have a lot of those creatures yet so i could run to classroom without having too much problem but still the classroom might be full of those creatures but i still have to go there.

As i arrived at the floor i've been dying to climb up,I notice that it is quite foggy and if im not mistaken someone had sprayed the fire extinguisher here.
I carefully walk towards the door not making any sounds so i wont attached anyone.
I tried to open the front door of the classroom but seems like someone is holding it.

"Someone's trying to get in!"
"Don't they might be bitten!"
"What if they're not?"
"And if they are?!"

I heard a commission inside and i know who already the two that doesn't want to let me in....Na-yeon and Bong-cha.

Knowing that these two won't let me in i decide to go on the window and open it
They got startled at first due to the little harsh of slamming the window open.

"Im not."

~•~A few minutes ago~•~

"It's Bare-su!Let him in!"

When the students noticed it's their friends who just appeared at the window they rushed to help him

"He might get bitten!Push him off!"

The yells of Na-yeon got ignored by the students.Suh-yeok soon calls to someone


He called then the dark haired girl immediately climb up and almost fall of but luckily the boy catch her and helps her to get her inside of classroom and rush to closed the door.

They both catch their breath for a moment and start looking around the room

"Prez?Y/n where is she?"

When the girl's name got mentioned they all looked around the room hoping for the sight of the girl but found nothing.

They all breath heavily,worrying about the well-being of the girl and soon they all started overthinking the possibility of their President had already turned like the Zombies outside.

𝐄𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 (𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘖𝘧 𝘜𝘴 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat