Chapter 11

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Hello! First i want to thank you for your support not only on this story but also on  my other platform account like Tiktok and Instagram, It means a  lot  to me.
You're kindness and support  is all i need to keep continuing this story

Btw, I just bought  a bluetooth keyboard to use for writing, That's what i use to write this chapter and also why i take a lot of  time since im not  used to it, Bye bye  600 pesos :,)

And  now i suddenly remembered i have a lot school papers to do until next next day, Heh fvck-

Anyways~  Back to the chapter!

2275 Words

Chapter 11: Barking up the wrong tree


A red tint of blood.

Everything come slow motion and before i knew it i had stood up results to the chair that i am sitting awhile ago to fall down harshly and  grabbed Na-yeon's wrist tightly,I am still on space glaring at the handchieved thinking the possible scenarios that Na-yeon might do.

I had acted without a proper evidence to prove my conclusion.

"Y/n what's wrong?"

Gyeong-su asked standing up on the desk seemingly confused and worried at my sudden action

Finally snapping out of my thoughts i turn to him and slowly turn my attention to the girl.
She is already looking nervously at me and breathing heavily,Her hands is even a little shaking.

"You both...are attempting to do that, Aren't you Na-yeon?"

I asked in a low voice but enough for the three of us in the room to hear.

If my conclusion is correct then that must've mean if hadn't noticed or stop her..I would loose Gyeong-su.

"What is she trying to do Y/n?"Gyeong-su asked but i ignored it still focused to the girl.

"I am blackmailed..I have to.."

When i heard those words from the girl,I instantly released the tight grip on her, processing her words.

Blackmailed?...Her?So it's really true.
My conclusion is correct and not only that SHE used Na-yeon for just a fucking believe and grudge. You're dead.

Because of the rage and anger i felt,I harshly gets the handchieved from Na-yeon and walked out of the recording room for one person.

I slammed open the door as their attention turns to me,startled at the loud slam from the door.

I scan the room finding the girl that cause of my anger and since the room isn't that huge i had found her standing near to the door alone.

"Hey Y/n what's wro-"

Before the question from Dae-su could continue i interrupt him, walking at the girl i am looking for in fast pace.
When she is infront ofe she gave me a blank stare and crossed her arms


I cut her words off by throwing harshly the handchieved on her mouth.

Everyone stood alert and in shock at the sudden move i did,Then Ms.Park walk towards at us shocked.

"Y/n,What are you-"

"You bitch!"

Before Ms.Park could continue her words Bong-cha interrupt her, screaming in rage at me and jumps on me.

Luckily i able to remain my balance but then she starts pulling my hair cause to my pony tie to fall off as i grabbed the both of her arms trying to make her release me so i could punch her straight to the face.

𝐄𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 (𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘖𝘧 𝘜𝘴 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)Where stories live. Discover now