Chapter 8

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Apologies i just can't update everyday,I always write 3000+ words so it's really a struggle since english wasn't my first language

Also thank you for 20k+ reads!
You all are too kind!And also you're comments and messege really encourage me,Im not really a confident person but you all are just too kind!
Believe me i really tried to update regularly but im really busy,I help my parents yesterday at our fam business so yeah

I'll add a Author funfact at the end btw '^^

And we have a new book cover

Hope you like this chapter!

3844 Words

Chapter 8: You we're bit!



all of them turned to Dae-su who yelled in shocked when a zombie reach out to his face, trying to get a next flesh to eat.
Then Joon-yeong immediately ran for help and get the fire extinguisher and hitting the arm of the zombie but instead he accidentally hit the window,He gulped in fear and adjust his glasses

"Get a desk, Immediately!"Cheong-san demand as some of the boys gets a desk and blocking the window as almost all of them are assisting the chairs and the desk that blocking the zombies.

They all sighed in relief and start relaxing a little.

"Where's the phone?I'll try calling the police again?"

Na-yeon and Bong-cha walks to On-jo looking for the phone

"I'm sorry i dropped it.."On-jo said then Bong-cha pushed her harshly
"How could you drop it?!"She yelled at her
On-jo just stayed silent not wanting a fight

"Is that even important? This is more urgent"Gyeong-su said trying to stop the fight but instead he got target
"Just who are you to butt in"Na-yeon suddenly said at him
"It's because you didn't hold the door.If you had,Coach kang wouldn't gotten in,We almost died because of you."Na-yeon said glaring at Gyeong-su
"Then maybe you should held the door"Gyeong-su retorted
"You're a fucking asshole"

Then Gyeong-su had enough and attacked the girl pissed and grabs her arm
"You bitch"
"Let go off me!"Na-yeon shouted glaring at him then luckily Ji-min come to aid

"Fight after you move these now isn't the time"Ji-min said picking up a table

"She's right stop it"
"Fight after you move these Gyeong-su"

Then I-sak tries to pull Gyeong-su away from Na-yeon and luckily they both listens.

"this is so fucking annoying!"
Na-yeon yelled in frustration throwing her headband and ribbon and kicking a chair

Then On-jo suddenly remembered something...more like someone

"Y/n?Where is she?"

As On-jo asked her classmates all of them turned to search for the girl on the room and also views the window looking for her incase she turns to a zombie but luckily she isn't one of them but also Unluckily their president wasn't in the room with them.

"Suh-yeok wasn't also here"Gyeong-su said as all of them realized that the two of their classmates has gone missing.

"Cheong-san..You we're with them, Right?"On-jo turned to Cheong-san who is blocking the window

"They we're... behind me"Cheong-san answered as guilt starting to build up on his chest
"Then where are they?"On-jo asked as Cheong-san looks down in shame and released a sigh

𝐄𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 (𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘖𝘧 𝘜𝘴 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)Where stories live. Discover now