Chapter 52

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"Skylar wake up" Gemma says  shaking

I jump out of my sleep and look at her

"What happened" i ask

"You passed out" she says looks worried

"How long was i out" i say rubbing my forehead

"almost and hour" alania says and then I remember the dream I had

"Where's Iona" I ask frantic

"She's stable ms.Evans" a women says I look to left and see a women in a white coat which I'm assuming is the doctor

"I'm doctor. S. Miss.Ross is stable but when she wakes up she's going to have to deliver the baby" the doctor says

"What happened to her is she okay" i ask

"Yes she went into preterm labor that's why she was bleeding. She could of almost died if you didn't get her here in the time that you did" the doctor says to all of us
(A/n:idk this is wattpad)

"Who's the father" the doctors asks looking at all of us

"Me" i say Getting up

"Okay I'd like you to come with me we're going to wake her up now and she's going to need some support to help her deliver the babies" the doctor says

"What wdym babies" i say

"Oh sorry I mean baby. I've been deliver alot of twins." I nod in response

I almost passed out when she said babies.


"Alright ms.Ross I need you to push" doctor S says

Iona grabs my hand and screams as she starts pushing

"Another push" doc Says

"UGH FUCK" Iona screams

I grab a tissue from the table and tab it against Iona sweaty forehead

"I thought I was going to lose you" i say

"Your never going to lo- AHHH" Iona screams as she feels her vagina Taring

"Another push ready" the doctor counts

Iona pushes again and we hear a loud cry.

"It's a girl. Mom do you want to cut the cord" the Doctor asks

"Yes" i say grabbing the metal scissors and cutting the cord that was connect to the baby

A nurse takes the baby after I cut the cord and washes her off before giving her to Iona

"She's beautiful" I whisper looking down at baby

"She has your black hair and your Grey eyes" Iona says letting the baby suck on her nipple

"Ms.Ross we're going to have stitch you up your vagina Tore a little bit" doc says Iona nods and smiles

"Do you have a name for her" doctor S asks putting on new gloves. I was about to say no when Iona cut me off

"Actually yes we do" Iona says

"We do" I ask confused me and Iona never talked about baby names.

"Mhm" she says

"What is it" i and the doctor asks

"Sky Alexander Ross or Evans"

"That's a beautiful name" the doctors says before finishing the stitches and getting

"Visitors are allowed now but only for a couple more hours and your free to go home. Lay of the stress and make sure you get more sleep" the doctor says to Iona

"I will thank you" she nods and leaves

"C-can I-i h-hold h-her" i ask

"Of course she's our baby Skylar" Iona say handing sky to me

I hold her tiny body in my hand and let a tear slip down my eyes

"Hi sky. It's your mom. I love you" i says looking at the baby

Her little hand wraps around my finger making my heart melt.

I kiss her head before giving her back to Iona

"Get some sleep baby" i say kissing Iona's forehead and she Drifts off to sleep with sky attached to her breasts.

I take a picture of them two and save in camera roll.

A/n: ♥︎

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