Chapter 20

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The past week had really taken all the triplets' time and energy. The Stygian group was now expanding into music, architecture and even more, NGOs, handled by Cain, Roxanne, and Loman respectively. Coupled with the already existing work, it ate up all their times. They each had some sort of a personal attachment to the music project that Cain was mainly handling making them pour all their remaining hours into that.

Naturally, even though it annyed Zerithia to no end she could see the commitment of the siblings firsthand. Roxanne's mates on the other hand felt like she was blowing them off because everytime they got the excuse of being 'busy'. 

Helixiar almost had an all-out breakdown but thankfully Zerithia, sensing the tension pushed Roxanne for an hour or two off to spend with her mates. 

Right now, Roxanne's mates were surrounding the table of 6 looking at her confused mostly. Helixiar's eyes held some panic and Holwen's looked something that Roxanne identified as pain and she did not like it one bit. 

"Roxanne..." Zolekh started out low moving his hand to cover hers but stopping midway, Roxanne tilted her head in confusion at the act of hesistance. 

"is...something wrong?" she tentatively asked and almost fled when she saw the looks of utter disbelief on all five faces in front of her.

"uhh..." she gulped somewhat feeling wrong or guilty? 

"Roxanne, you have been blowing us off for a whole week now" Rolkan's face was tight after getting out and it looked like he was angry but actually he was just tense that Roxanne might actually be blowing them off for reasons they had no clue of. 

"blowing off....? oh shit" Roxanne's face turned into a grimace, she had completely forgot about the fact that none of their projects have been advertised or have info leaked about just yet. They'll be doing it in about a week which will make her even more unavailable. 

"what...what is it?" Helixiar scooted closer to Roxanne who felt really bad (guilt) seeing the worry shine on the girl's face. 

Roxanne gently cupped Helixiar's cheeks and placed a kiss on her forehead like she had seen her brothers do to Zerithia to calm her, worked everytime. She unknowingly let out a small smile seeing the near to tear but relieved look on Helixiar's face. 

"I am so sorry" she finally turned to face the rest of them letting go of Zerithia to move her hand over Zolekh's on the table. 

"It hasn't been announced yet and I completely forgot I have people who need to check up on me, so I into work like I always do...I-i am also feeling this thumping beats hurt in my chest right now?" she paused confused 

"that's guilt" Holwen smiled lightly, all the pain from his eyes gone and nodded in confirmation. She knew what guilt was, she wanted a lot of people to feel guilt for doing what they did. 

"so what hasn't been announced yet?" Abel asked leaning forward curious now. 

"ah, Stygian is expanding and coincidentally we planned the expansion in the music, architecture, and more into humanitarian industries altogether so now we are swamped with work..." 

Zolekh's hand tightened slightly over Roxanne's making her instinctively give a gentle squeeze that made him look pleasantly surprised at her. 

"just...let us know. We were very worried. We...we thought you didn't want to see us or you know be associated with us because we did something wrong..." Holwen's voice was very gentle as usual making Roxanne feel warm all over almost as if she were being forgiven. 

"I will, promise." The smile Roxanne showed made them all lose touch with reality for a second. The face that was described to be crafted from cold jade never looked so warm before, her brothers could have bet their lives on that. 

Roxanne decided it felt nice to be cared about, having someone to check up on you and wait for you or even be scared to lose you when she looked at now light atmosphere at their table. 

The sight was destroyed when her phone rang and she immediately answered seeing the name of the architecture project's supervisor. She mouthed a 'sorry' as she stood up receiving 'it's okay's in return. She is definitely grateful for these people. 

Roxanne wasn't far enough to completely block out the conversation which meant the mates could hear her side of the conversation, they were sort of curious to see the prodigy businesswoman in action. 

"yes, Caleen what is it?" Roxanne's tone had changed drastically into a flat one betraying nothing except authority. 

"What about the manager for the group? why do you think we pay him if he has to sit on his ass and ask for everything handed to him" Rolkan was slightly embarrassed when he wanted to go up and kiss their mate when she ran a hand through her already messy platinum hair making her shirt ride up exposing the absolutely ethereal tattoos. 

"I'd let her dominate me any day" Helixiar said it loud enough for all the members of the table to hear making Holwen nod looking enamored. 

"Fire him if he can't even find the basic staff for technicalities, tell Kitty to contact the other digital creator we had on the line. Raphael was also saying something about the dimensions of the blueprint tell one of the members of my team to check it out. As far as the land goes, contact Fitch for the papers that need signatures for the legalities, I'll tell the financer to contact you for more details" 

Abel was amazed. He had never seen someone give such detailed information without a piece of paper or any notes for that matter. Sadly, from the looks of it, they'll have to let her get back to work now. The realization made Holwen want to hate how busy Roxanne was but then, she found joy in this and he would obviously be happy for her and not hamper her path to success. After all, they can't forget she has the biggest empire out of all of them even though it is shared between the three triplets. 

"Alright, pressure Raphael for the blueprints or he will take another day, we don't have time. The  launch of the building will not be postponed by any means. I have big investments in this, clear?" The authority in Roxanne's voice made some of her mates also nod in acknowledgment remembering the time when they were interning for their parents. She was probably more assertive than this if she wanted to be, that gave a thrill to Abel and Helixiar. 

Helixiar's eyes were basically shining with the finding of their mate's new side. She could definitely bottom for this woman. 

Roxanne ended the call with a last 'ok' and turned to them with pursed lips. 

"I'm sor--" before she could finish Holwen stood up with a smile and walked towards her placing a forehead kiss on her the similar way she did to Helixiar. 

"Don't apologise angel, we understand. Call one of us even if its for a minute everyday, yea?" Holwen's eyes were pleading for agreement so Roxanne could only helplessly nod. 

"give me your phone" Zolekh popped up making Roxanne hand it to him like nothing, they though she'd be more privy with it but they were glad she trusted them. 

"here." he handed her the phone back after tapping on it a few times making Roxanne look at him in confusion.

"there's a reminder to help you realise you haven't called us the whole day, you'll have no problem with remembering but still" Zolekh shrugged with a smile which got him a smile and nod in response. 

Roxanne pecked all of them on the cheek and left the private room. 

"I don't ever want to go through that again" Helixiar relaxed back into her chair again

"you can say that again" Rolkan echoed with a sigh. 

"I think we're way too hooked onto her, not that its a bad thing just..." Holwen trailed off 

"enchantingly scary" Zolekh completed

"no complaints here" Abel just chuckled lightly. 

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