chapter 22

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Zolekh at first glance knew that Roxanne was going to be a challenge. He had of course heard the great businesswoman she is and how she added her own self made empire to the already existing ones for the Black Family and was the main head of Stygian because her brothers and everybody else felt she deserved it. It was simply rational and Roxanne was nothing but rational which Zolekh admired until he saw the absolute blankness the girl held in her eyes.

It scared him, the fact that he imediately wanted to see a spark, something in those blank blue-grey eyes. He wanted them to have a shine only the five of them could develop and see. He wanted to warmth in those always described as cold eyes. 

Zolekh was known for his charm and naturally his success in business. A prodigy, they called him for knowing answers to every question there is, he failed to imediately find on for this one though, 

'how do i make her feel?' 

When her brothers explained that it was somewhat of a protective step her brain had taken for self defense, he was even more lost. The emotions had a chance of coming back but they had already been tainted. The sole notion of having to feel something was so much that her brain had to block it out. 

He had never in his life seen it actually happening. Whatever happened though, he refused to just give up. He had crazy amount of patience from what he has heard and the other four loves of his life are going to help him with it. They would all see the girl with a smile that did not scream perfunctory one day. 

Helixiar was happy when she first realized the last puzzle piece was a girl, one she had heard numerous praises about. Roxanne was famous, no that was an understatement actually, she was beyond famous even her brothers they came in a pack after all. Helixiar felt an unusual fear when faced with Roxanne, it felt like Roxanne would just...break, one day, and she was herself going to drown in the chaos in her mind. Bipolar, that just sounded like a tough thing to deal with, imagine actually managing to have control over it. 

The mental agony it must have caused to even try to suppress but not extinguish the 'other' you. Helixiar wanted to cuddle and kiss the hell out of the girl, something made her want to hold on and never let go. That something also told her that one day Roxanne would let her, even want her to do that. Roxanne just looked like she was someone who was let go off way too many times if her wary looks at the show of affections had something to say. 

It killed Helixiar's joy when she read the complete NDA the Black brothers' had made them all sign, the conditions all together made her want to cry. She really had to give it to Roxanne for somehow pushing through it all but maybe at the cost of something that makes humans actual humans. 

Rolkan felt sad but happy that the girl he had always been jealous of but secretly worshipped was human, maybe more than she should be. It was only humans who could suffer so much to lose about everything or feel like they lost everything but still breathe and go on about their days being excellent at what they do. Maybe not looking human is what makes them feel human because otherwise, they'd just be a broken doll being delicately handled until somebody finally bumps into it and shatters it completely. 

Seeing Roxanne sleeping peacefully in Holwen's arms just made him curse himself for not being home much in the past two years or maybe he could have had this sooner. Maybe he could have lessened the years through which Roxanne had to just survive instead of live. But it's fruitless, self-blame never got him anywhere anyways. 

How could someone described as tough, cold, and unyielding in society look so frail, soft, and perfectly molded curled up in their soulmate's arms? Rolkan also wanted to hold her and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, let her know that she can dream of having the moon and he'd try to turn it into reality, to let her know that he would do anything she wanted even if it was completely unreasonable. He wanted her to know that she didn't have to take on everything alone anymore. 



wasn't really a chapter but much more of a filler. 

I am sosososososososososo grateful for more than 3K reads!!!!!!!!!

and even 95 votes like WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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