Chapter 27

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Jax didn't try to stop me when I said I needed to be alone. Nobody even followed me when I began to walk home, after asking what had happened with Sebastian, of course.

Genevieve said her mother had killed him after he threw himself at Winona. I would have to thank Desdemona when I saw her next.

My thoughts were a jumbled mess. I couldn't stop my hand from fluttering to my stomach anxiously the whole walk home. I was almost convinced I could feel life inside me. My breathing was erratic by the time I finally crashed into my living room.

My mom frowned at me. "I'm starting to get worried Persephone: your disappearing act was one thing, but coming home looking tragic and depressed at the time is really beginning to concern me."

I pinched my arm to stop the tears form welling up in my eyes. Stress. That was all it was. I wasn't emotional for any other reason. Certainly not pregnancy.

Still, I couldn't resist the lure of moms arms. She huffed as I threw myself next to her on the sofa and curled up in the circle of her body; something I hadn't done since childhood. The book she was reading fell to the floor as she drew me close.

"I'm sure it's not all that bad," she assured me, one hand stroking my hair. I forced down a scoff. If only she knew her perfect daughter was now a wife and a future mother. No. I wouldn't think that yet. I met get lucky. I prayed I would get lucky.

"I'm just worried about college," I lied. I knew my mom wouldn't buy this, but it was nice when she played along nonetheless.

"You're so smart! I wish I had gone to college- so many doors will be opened for you."

I pictured all the doors that were now shut after my antics last night and had to disguise my sob of distress as a cough.

I hardly meant to say the words that came out my mouth then. "Tell me about dad."

I felt it when her body tensed. I even felt the sigh leave her body and the way her shoulders slumped.

"He was a wonderful man," she began. "He looked like you- dark hair and dark eyes. And the way he spoke... like a prince from a faraway land."

She exhaled wistfully. How cruel she never knew the truth about her husband. How he really was from a faraway land. I could tell her but was it my place? Would she be better off clinging to her delusions?

"He always seemed worried. It caused me no end of trouble. He became frantic when I fell pregnant with you- sometimes he was unbearable. He wanted us to move, but Silver Hills had always been my home. And it wasn't just to a new town he wanted to go; not even a new state. No, he seemed intent we leave and go to a different country altogether."

To protect us. Even that small action made my heart hurt. It meant he had cared. Really, truly cared.

"I began to wonder if he had links to the mafia or some gang. I still don't know- he left a month before you were born."

Her voice broke at that. Her grey eyes- so different to mine- became misty and distant.

"You were the only thing that gave me courage. My darling girl." Her hand reached out to stroke my cheek. "My little goddess, born on the darkest night in spring."

"There was a storm the night I was born," remembering the familiar tale. "It was fiercer than any you had seen before. You instantly knew what to call me when I was first placed in your arms. A girl born in mid spring, embraced into the world by lighting and thunder."

She laughed gently and kissed my forehead. "Cheer up! Your life won't be as disastrous as mine."

She carefully pushed me away and stood up. "What's that meant to imply?" I asked curtly, following suit.

I could see the eye roll, even with her back turned to me. "Invite Angel round for tea- she always cheers us both up."

Normalcy. That's what I needed. One normal night.

I could forget pregnancy and demon children. I could even forget wolf husbands and mates.

I almost felt better when I went to my phone and typed in my best friend's number. 

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