Chapter 12.☁

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3 Weeks Later
"Is this where Derek keeps his gun?" Monica questioned, looking at the drawer. I nodded. She took out her phone, texting away. "Monica, could you please pass me my shoes?" I grunted, as I helplessly reached for them.

She rolled her eyes with a giggle, passing them to me. "Stop being so darn lazy." She laughed as I struggled to now tie them. I rolled my eyes at her, as she helped me tie them. In the mist of her tying, her phone rang.

Whoever it was, she really wanted to see because she rushed me out the house. Dropping me off at the headquarters, she immediately left. "What'd she leave so quick for?" Reid asked as I took a seat at Derek's desk.

with an outstretched arm, he handed me a ginger ale. "I don't know," I mumbled. "But thank you." I was extremely nauseous and the only thing that would help is an ice cold ginger ale.

"Kirsten, how's that baby doing?" Rossi joked, patting my back. I giggled, rubbing my stomach. "They're doing just fine." I replied, sipping my soda. "I have pizza!" Garcia smiled as she walked in with 2 greasy boxes of Pizza Hutt pizza.

The smell made my stomach churn and my head felt light. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach, and I knew what was about to happen. I got up quickly, running to the nearest bathroom. I even ran by Derek on the way there.

I shut the door, throwing up in the toilet. I used my hair tie to tie my hair back. It would be a shame if I got puke in it. I heard a knock on the door, and I flushed the toilet. "You okay, baby girl?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I told him, rinsing my mouth out. Once I cleaned myself up, I walked put the bathroom to see everyone's eyes on me. "Kirsten, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot!" Penelope ranted on and on about the pizza.

I rolled my eyes at her playfully, shooing her off. "I'm fine, P." I reassured her worried self. I sat back down at Derek's desk, and he kneeled in front of me. "Are you going to be okay? I'll take you home right now if you dont-"

"Derek, do your job and don't worry about me." I gulped more of my ginger ale in hopes it would ease my queasiness. Thankfully, it did. "I need to lie down for a bit."

I got up, going into Penelope's dungeon and went straight for the couch. "I hope you feel better, Kirsten." Derek reached over to kiss my cheek and his stubble rubbed my face.

I giggled at the feeling, and he let out a chuckle. "I love you, baby girl." He pecked my lips softly, not wanting anything to do with my previous throw up. "I love you too, babe." I smiled, and he did also.

After a few more minutes of constant I love you's and me trying not to blow chunks again, he was finally leaving. "Hit the lights please." I grumbled, them now giving me a headache. "Sure thing, woman." He joked, flicking the switch.

He kissed my forehead one more time before leaving so I can get some shut eye..

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant