Chapter 13.☁

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I was resting at home with Monica when I got up to get something to eat. I was feeling some pork. Its been my #1 pregnancy craving.

"Kirsten, how has the case been? I can only imagine how its been on Derek.." Monica questioned, out of the blue.

I shrugged, pouring barbeque sauce on my plate. This pork was about to be A1. "The case has been temporarily closed. All the leads ran cold."

Taking my fork, I cut a piece off the bone, and almost cried when it touched my lips. The honey barbeque, spicy meat was heaven.

"Oh, what a shame-" "Buzz! Buzz!" Her phone vibrated, ending her sentence. When she looked at the screen, I knew something was up.

"I have to use the bathroom." It was weird. Instead of her using the one on this floor, she went upstairs. I shook it off, continuing my food.

Before I could finish, I felt my phone ring in my pocket. "Hello?" I answered with greasy fingers. "Kirsten, get out." Hearing Derek say that, startled me.

"What-" "I'll explain later. Just get out of there now." He said, lowly. "Alright, fine." As I was about to hang up, he stopped me. "Baby girl, I need you to stay on the line."

After putting my shoes on, I finally asked him "What's going on?" "Look, just get out of there. I'm on my way."

I put my plate in the sink, walling out the kitchen. "Hey Monica-" "Don't say anything to her," Derek shut me up. I was confused. "She's the unsub."

My jaw dropped to the floor. I couldn't believe this. "Wh-What?" Monica has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. She wouldn't have done that.

"She is. All of our recent leads are straight to her. Can you get to my spare gun?" He asked. Thinking about it, I cursed under my breath. "What is it?" I sighed a shaky, scared sigh.

"She went to use the bathroom.. upstairs. I can't believe I didn't catch into that. "Kirsten, you need to get out of there. She probably has the gun."

I nodded although he couldn't see me. Going to the front door, I went to open it. It was locked. "Derek, the door is locked from the outside."

Now that I was about to shit my pants, I tried to keep myself calm. "Kirsten, listen to me," Tears were streaming down my face at this point.

I bit my lip to keep from making any noise. "You need to hide. And when you do, stay as quiet as you can." I did as told, going to one of the closets in our 3 spare bedrooms.

"What the hell is this?" I heard Derek's anger over the phone. "This traffic is backed up all the way to East Street." JJ informed in the background.

East Street? That's almost a mile from here. He wouldn't make it here in time. Monica will find me by then. "Derek, please hurry." I whispered.

"Fuck.." He mumbled. "I'll be there, baby. I promise. Remember to stay quiet." Before I could answer, the line went dead. He hung up?

I checked my phone, and it was dead. I heard the click clack of Monica's heels. I prayed she didn't hear me. 'Shit, shit, shit..' I thought, as she slowly opened the door.

Through the cracks of the closet door, I could see the gun in her hand. I clamped my hand over my mouth. I looked around the closet to check for anything I could use as a weapon.

When I noticed the most dangerous thing I had was a wire hanger, I knew I was screwed. "Kirsten, I know you're in here."

I could hear the smirk in her voice, and I knew one was plastered across her face. It was almost like I was in a scary movie. Helpless in a closet where danger awaits outside.

As I was saying a prayer in my head, the closet door swing open. Monica stood before me, Derek's spare gun pointed in the middle of my forehead.

"Monica please," I cried. "Don't do this." "Shut up! Derek belongs to me-" "Monica, drop the gun." Hearing Derek's voice was music to my ears.

"Tell me why I shouldn't shoot you right here-" "If you shoot her, I'll shoot you." He was stern with his words. Her mouth slipped into an evil grin.

I closed my eyes. "Well then-" Before she could finish her sentence, Derek pulled his trigger. Hearing the loud bang! of his gun, I let out a whimper.

Monica fell to the floor, dropping the gun. JJ, Reid, and Rossi ran in behind Derek. I stood in the closet, frozen. Derek ran to me, wrapping his arms around me.

I cried into his vest, still not able to move. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." His hand caressed my cheek as he kissed my face over and over.

"I love you, so much." I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I love you, too, Baby girl.."

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