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⚠️WARNING: may not be edited oops 😬 ⚠️

"ssss..... hah...hah...hah" I gasped for air.

"she's awake , she's awake , oh my god " an unfamiliar voice said but I couldn't see anything everything is white . My vision's blurry.

" Miss. Y/n , Miss y/n , can you hear me , Miss y/n" the voice said .

My vision cleared  but only I saw was still white. I moved my head to see a hospital Room .

"She is panicking , she is panicking "somebody said .

:Miss. y/n please calm down"

I tried to control my breath I saw a doctor Telling me to calm down.

'what' I thought.

"Miss. Y/n ..... I'm really sorry to say have been in coma for 11 months" the doctor said.
My whole world stopped .
'What. S-so,th-that  was all a dream '
I can't seem to digest that I've been dreaming for about 11 months.

It can't be.

"N-no, it can't be" I said and blacked out again.

When I woke up again the doctor told me that after I got thrown off the bridge (bet y'all forgot that) the police officer also went in. It took him 30 minutes to find me .

It was a miracle I didn't die. They found me but I was in coma.

My mom and dad also died in a car crash while going to a party.
I didn't got sad making the doctors think it must be a side effect. When in reality I was just relieved.  I mean it's not like they loved me and them going to a party while I was in coma  proved that.

Now whatever property and money they hold was mine. It wasn't much but not less either .

Now I was on my own.
I was happy .
No more boundaries now.
No more obsessed people.
I was finally free.

(I'm free ...let it go , let it go... ahm I'm sorry you guys continue).

2 years later

"Miss y/n !!!" Leith said.

Yes leith said . I started working in a orphanage.  It pays well surprisingly.  16 months ago a 6 year unnamed boy got dropped over here he took a liking to me . His parents died and none of his relatives wanted a responsibility.

He had blond hair and blue eyes . I decided to name him leith although his facial structure didn't match leith though. But he looked like an angel too.

Leith came towards me with a flower in his hand .

"Be-beautiful" he said .

I got deja vu resulting me in tearing up.

"M-miss?" leith said.

"I'm fine little flower" I said smiling.

I looked at the time .

"Alright my work ends here I'll see you tomorrow " I said and got up to leave.

"Bye miss!!" Leith smiling and going into his dorm.

"Dork" I said laughing a bit .

I got in my car and driver to home .

" yeah hit him yeah !!"
"Yeah yeah go go goo!!"
"KO!! Fucking won , I fucking won"

I said and did a happy dance . Oh I'm playing taken 3 . (I love that game).


"HUH, it's 2 a.m who might be here at this time?" I questioned myself.

I put my headphones down putting my game on pause. (We sound happy don't we?)

I opened my door "Hello!, how may I-" I didn't got to finished my sentence as my breath got stuck in my throat , and my eyes threatening to bleed blood seeing the sight in front of me.

"Hello honey did you miss us"................rein said.

"Of course she did , I'm right , yes wifey?" ...............eronis said.

" how are you honey " sharen said.

Lorél just came and grabbed me hard . " you thought death can do us apart , no honey  we'll never be apart " he said and kissed me hard.

" hey don't hogg her up to yourself " rein said annoyed.

" No-no I'm not here , this is not real , i-i might be dreaming " I said not wanting to belive .

" this is real , this is very real honey,  you thought only you could travel universe " eronis said  making me even more panick.

They all grabbed me and pushed me in my own home.
I screamed,  begged, I regret buy a home in woods. Nobody's gonna come , I'll be stuck with them forever and ever.

""""You are ours""""

Ahm....not gonna say much....

Next chapter will be an interaction between you and me

Love you bye🥰

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