18 | eighteen

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Melionë Brewer

School started today. It's my senior year of high school! I know, I should be living it up and have the time of my life! But no, here I am on the end of the first day back to school, whining as my mom unpacked my things. Ace was here, trying to get me to calm down, but it wasn't working very well.

"I don't wanna stay here," I whined. "I wanna go home."

"Honey, I want you to come home with me, but this is for your safety," My mom sighed, placing a container on the counter. "Look, I made you dinner to remind you of home. Just put it in the microwave for two minutes and thirty seconds and it should be good."

"It's not the same," I pouted.

"You can visit any time you want," My mom smiled wearily.

"But-" I retorted.

"Alright, time to go!" Dimitri exclaimed, opening the door to my dorm.

"No!" I yelled, latching onto my mom.

"Okay, come here," Ace huffed, detaching me from my mom.

"Bye, Honey," My mom frowned, as Dimitri pulled her out of my dorm. Dimitri said a quick and easy goodbye would make it easier on me, but it didn't. Plus that only works for little kids.

"It'll be okay," Ace whispered in my ear.

"I wanna go home," I demanded, nuzzling my face into his chest, trying not to cry.

"I know," Ace sighed. "But it's ok."

"No, it's not," I mumbled.

"We'll get to hang out more, Precious!" Ace smiled.

Ace is one of the hottest guys in school and he's an important player on the basketball team which automatically makes him popular. Me, on the other hand, the only popular thing I have going for me is that I was mute and I still don't like to be touched unless it's my boyfriend. The thing about being the popular guy's quiet girlfriend is that you have to stand by and watch as the cheerleaders, the hot student council president, and all the other girls in school flirt with him in front of your face.

Some of them didn't know we were together and backed off. Some of them knew and didn't care. It hurt a bit....ok, maybe a lot, but I trust Ace. Even though these girls may be prettier than me, Ace will always love me for me. But I don't think I want to be dealing with this all the time.

"Right," I nodded.

"How 'bout I go heat up your food, and grab me some so we can eat up here?" Ace asked.

"Okay," I said quietly. Ace kissed my forehead before picking up the food my mom made for me and walking out. I sighed and walked into my bedroom. My mom had already unpacked everything for me because I was too busy trying to convince her to take me home. I pouted at the thought of my mom. I should be watching Tv in the living room, listening to and smelling my mom cooking in the kitchen right now. Not in a stupid high school dorm. I whimpered and cuddled with Percy who was laying on my bed. Since Percy is a service dog, he can come to school with me. Which is a huge relief because no Percy and no mom equal a bad case of anxiety.

You're probably wondering who my roommate is and to nobody's surprise, it's Selene! Selene is literally the only person in this school I could handle as my roommate. And that is counting Ace. I think if I ever had Ace as a roommate I'd die because he told me sometimes he walks around without a shirt on. That should be illegal. I would never walk around without a shirt on. Everyone would see my breasts- Oh, wait, guys don't have breasts. What do guys have again.....OH! PECS! GUYS HAVE PECS! So if Ace walked around without a shirt on, everyone would see his pecs.

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