Unraveling (Part 2) (EDITED)

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"We must have spent a good hour or so down there, giggling into our hands whenever we heard footsteps and voices overhead of unsuspecting people exiting the ride."

Aaric sat in his armchair with a glass of yellow wine held loosely in his hand. He leaned on the armrest, keeping a keen ear to the story emitting from the small radio on the side table. The fourth one he had listened to that evening. Sunset bathed the room in orange through the window, adding to the cozy atmosphere. Aaric sipped at his remaining wine as the narrator continued to chronicle the eerie tale of college students on their grad night.

"Lord Aaric."

He perked his head at the familiar voice, the story fading to background noise. A smile came across his face as he saw Meliena in the doorway. He slid to the edge of his chair.

"I was told to inform you that dinner will be ready soon," She announced, smiling as she leaned forward. Her voice sing-songy. "It's your favorite."

"A favorite, you say?" Aaric remarked, tilting his head and rubbing his chin, "Few things and very few people possess the capacity to be considered a favorite of mine."

Meliena stepped forward, faux gasping. "Such high standards, how would one even start to attain such a status?"


Aaric reached over and turned the radio down until the narrator's voice was a faint whisper. Standing up, he strolled over to the maid with his wine. They gaze into each other's eyes. Aaric gently took her chin in his fingers, caressing it.

"Entertaining an old fool's love for all things Shakespearean is a good start,"

A faint flush of red emerged on her cheeks. "Well, sire. Shall we?"

"We shall."

Pulling his hand away, he offered her his arm. Meliena gleefully hooked her arm with him. They walked down the hallway with a pep in their steps. They came to the dining room, finding the kitchen staff at work. The table was already set with placemats, silverware, dinner plates, and a wine glass at each chair. To their left, other members were conversing in the main lobby.

Aaric and Meliena escorted each other towards the kitchen door, passing the busy staff. Mariah stepped out and held it open as another line of kitchen staff poured out with pots and plates of food. She stopped one servant who wasn't carrying anything.

"Jeremiah, fetch us some wine from the cellar. Something to pair with the casserole."

"Any preference on the year?"

"Aged well, so something from about 1976."

With a nod, Jeremiah left the dining room, heading for the cellar access by the lobby stairs.

"1976. A good year." Meliena chimed in.

"Quite right, dear," Aaric proudly announced., "A very good year indeed."

They came to a halt and watched a servant pull the lid off their platter, allowing the delicious aroma to escape. Sizzling, melted cheese, tomato sauce, well-cooked pasta buried deep in the goop and topped off with a light layer of Parmesan. Aaric eagerly took a sniff of the wondrous culinary concoction.

"Mmmmm, by smell alone, I can tell this is a meal fit for a king."

"We do our best, sire," One of the kitchen staff replied.

"Here, here." cheered the others.

"Yes, yes. But sadly, you made it for me." Aaric bemused.

The staff had a laugh at that and set out the rest of the evening meal. Aaric and Meliena unhooked their arms, going to their respective seats at the end of the table.

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