In The Ire's Wake (EDITED)

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Nick sat at a small table in an interview room at the Sheriff's department. The walls were made of concrete bricks coated in murky blue paint. The lights buzzed over his head, casting a fluorescent glow. The only window was a square one embedded on the door to his right. Through it, he could see the tops of heads pass by accompanied by the noise of the crew on the midnight shift.

PLEASE! Don't let

A haunting scream pierced Nick's ear. He dug his fingers into his jeans as the fresh memory tormented him. A moment of reprieve came when the door to the room opened. Officer Debson walked in, carrying a packet of paperwork. He closed the door, silencing the invasion of office noise, and turned his full attention to Nick.

"Mr. Pérez, I'm Officer Stan Debson" He introduced, closing the door and silencing the office noise. He sat in the chair opposite Nick across the table. "Just need to get your statement and we can get you on out of here."

Nick straightened his posture and nodded. "Aye."

Stan sat the papers down and pulled out a pen, clearing his throat. "For formality, I'll remind you that you aren't under arrest. This is for investigation purposes at the moment. We just want a picture of what happened tonight. Let's start at the beginning. What were you doing at the house?"


"Vic and I were seeing if our boss was home. While passing by, we saw someone sneaking around. We saw him go into the backyard and that's when we decided to check it out." Harper calmly recounted.

"That person being Robert Vitz, correct?" Stan inquired, taking notes.

"Yeah, saw him unlock the door and slip right inside,"

"Why didn't you call the police when you saw this?"


"We debated on that," explained Victor. His hands rested nervously in his lap. "I thought he lived there since he had a key, but Harper argued otherwise. So, we waited to see what happened."

"And what happened next?"


"He goes down one end of the hall for a while and then comes back. Then, he goes to the living room," Harper explained. "Next thing we know, we start hearing a Metallica tune blasting out of the speakers. That's when we moved in."

"What happened next?"

"We snuck in and see he's got a fuckin' baseball bat out, ready to swing away."

"And that's when you drew the revolver?"

Harper nodded. "Yeah, my license is up to date. And no, I had no intention of killing anyone. It was simply a means of persuasion. I wanna make that perfectly clear."

"Several neighbors said they heard gunshots coming from the house," Stan pointed out.

"That was after shit went sideways."



"After they caught me, my father came downstairs. Victor had turned down the stereo when he stepped into the living room," Robert muttered, clenching his fist. "I was being held at gunpoint in the hallway, so the first thing he sees is some rando in his home and he assaults the guy. Then he sees that I'm there."

"What happened next?"

"Harper shouts at him to let Victor go. Victor jacks the volume knob up. My father lets go and I go at him. Just trying to wail on him with the bat. That was when Harper interrupted us, holding us at gunpoint."

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