Chapter 2

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Present Day

My dreams were filled with him...the man I had loved for years and years...and they were filled with my pain wrenching cries as he broke up with me.

"Evie!" Aunt Lizzie called from the other side of the door, "wake up honey, I got breakfast waiting." She knocked on the door. "Come on honey!"

I heard her footsteps drain away as I rolled myself out of bed. I turned and looked at the vanity. My brown-blonde hair looked knotted and gross, my makeup was smeared from crying, and I sounded like a dead horse.
My eyes found a basin on the dresser, with a pitcher of water beside it. I poured a little in and threw water in my face.

It was ice cold.

I shrieked.

"Evie are you okay?" I heard Aunt Lizzie yell up the stairs.

"I'm fine!" I managed to shout back to her as I grabbed some more water up in my hands and scrubbed my matted face. I ripped a brush through my hair, stripped off my days old clothes and pulled a sundress over my head.

I went down the stairs and saw Jonah as he was leaving. He stared at me for a moment before leaving the house.

"There you are!" Aunt Lizzie beamed, "come on I have some oatmeal down head for you." She gestured in the direction of the kitchen and walked off.

I followed behind her and sat at the kitchen table.

"So, are you ready to go into town today." She smiled as she sat across from me, happily eating her oatmeal.

"Oh, yeah...I guess so." I messed around with the food in front of me, taking small bites.

I didn't feel like eating.

"The place hasn't changed since the last time you were here," Aunt Lizzie smirked as she ate.

"Well I haven't been here since I was a kid..." I took a final spoonful of oatmeal.

"You're only nineteen Evie, you were here about ten years ago." She stood up, taking her bowl and mine to the counter.

"Go put some shoes on and meet me by the door. The sooner we get into town the sooner we will be back home." She was so chipper it hurt.

I only shook my head and drearily climbed the stairs again. I pulled some boots on my feet and carefully went to the front door.

"Ready?" Aunt Lizzie asked me as she walked from around a corner.

I nodded at her and she led me outside. I started to go to my car, but she stopped me.

"Oh no no no honey. We will take mine." She pointed to a truck across the yard. "Don't want yours to get banged up on the prairie." She walked to the truck and climbed in the drivers side.

I hopped into the passengers side and slumped in the seat as she drove off.

The drive was silent, and eventually she pulled in front of a store called "Mattie's Boutique."

"Come on Evie," she smiled a little as she hopped down from the truck.

I followed her into the store, lagging behind as she pushed open the doors.

"Well Well if it isn't Elizabeth Duncan!" An older woman called out.

"Hey Penny!" Aunt Lizzie called to her. "How ya been?"

"We've been good Lizzie! How are you? We haven't seen much of you!" She questioned Aunt Lizzie at once.

"Oh well you know Penny, I been doing just fine. Jonah been doing most of the hard work for me." She smiled.

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