Chapter 4

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Present Day

"Evie!" Aunt Lizzie's voice shook me awake from my deep sleep. "Sweetie, wake up! It's past noon!"

"I'm up!" I shouted at her from the bed.

I heard her walk away and listened as the stairs squeaked on her descent. I rolled over and pulled the blanket over my head. The images from last night wouldn't leave me...

The women in white, carrying torches, the dancing, twirling, stomping, and singing! The women shining brightly with the firelight. The woman who stood in the center of them and chanted and sang and moved all around. Their image was burned into my mind the entire night. As I pulled my body up from the bed, I sauntered down the stairs, with messy hair and only in a large shirt.

"Evie, is that you?" Aunt Lizzie called from the small living room as the stair squeaked under my feet.

"Yeah," I called as I walked in.

"You look a sight!" She laughed a little as I sat beside her. "Did you sleep well?"

"Very!" I smiled.

"Oh that's good!" She closed the book she had been reading. "How did you manage to do that?"

"Jonah suggested a walk on the prairie last night." I shrugged.

"Oh? He did? Last night?" Her voice seemed to grow grave.

"Yeah," I yawned.

"Did you go?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah we did." I turned to face her.

"You and Jonah?" She seemed to be shocked, "did you see anything funny?" She asked suspiciously.

"Nope! Nothing," I lied, "just grass, and the night sky." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh, we'll that's good at least." She relaxed at once and returned to her book.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Aunt Lizzie got up and walked toward to door. "Dorcas Gallen!" She seemed shocked, "what brings you out here?"

"Is Yvonne here?" I heard her from the small living room.

"Yes dear, she's in the parlor." Aunt Lizzie answered her.

"I was wondering if she wanted to go into town today?" Dorcas asked.

"Evie! Do you hear her?" Aunt Lizzie called to me.

"Yeah!" I stood up and walked over.

"Gosh you look like death!" Dorcas laughed out loud.

"Shut up and come inside! I need to change." I rolled my eyes at her and started up the stairs.

Dorcas stopped for a moment and looked inside in shock and awe. Aunt Lizzie moved out of the way and gestured inside. Dorcas only stared.

"Are you coming or not?!" I hastened her, jumping off the stairs and grabbing her wrist.

I pulled her inside and I heard her suck in a sharp breath.

"Come on!" I pulled her up the stairs behind me.

"Oh!" She vocalized, nearly falling up the stairs if it was possible.

I tugged her into my room and closed the door behind us.

Dorcas stood in pure shock and awe.

"Are you okay?" I raised an eyebrow as I pulled some clothes out of the drawers.

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